Everything You Should Know About Singer Lauren Bonnell

Lauren Bonnell is a rare talent who gives you goosebumps when she sings.

We can't stress enough how much we love her YouTube channel and admire her success. She learned to play guitar at age 12 and released her first album by 14.

The anticipation for her next move is real and we're so glad we got to know her this week. Find out all about her below.


(Photo Courtesy of Lauren Bonnell)

Name: Lauren Bonnell

Birthday: Feb. 24

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Fun Facts

1. Titanic is one of her favorite movies. Who doesn't love it, it's an absolute classic.

2. She has no room for negativity in her life. "I am a positive person and don't like to be around people with negative attitudes," she tells Sweety High. We agree, it's hard not to ❤️ her motivating posts on Insta.

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3. If you should know anything about her, it's that she's so obsessed with Disney movies, it's almost impossible to pick a favorite. But if she had to choose, she would say "Tangled has always been a favorite of mine, but honestly I just love all of them."

4. She loves Tangled so much because she relates to Rapunzel. "She had a dream and she wasn't going to stop until she made her dream a reality" she shares. "I think that relates to me with my music." Never stop pursuing the dream Lauren, you can only go up from here with that much talent.

• Sweeeet Creatureee – @harrystyles •

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5. If she had to pick a Disney villain, though, it would be Hades. "His sense of humor gets me every time!"

6. We love her style, which she equates to Emma Swan from Once Upon A Time.

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7. Her mom is her biggest hero and best friend. "She always encourages me to do my best and supports me no matter what," she gushes. "I don't know what I'd do without her."


Speaking of talented gals in music, have you heard Camila Cabello's new single yet? If not, you'll want to listen HERE.