Lauryn McClain: What Girl Power Means To Me

Girl power is very important.lauryn mcclain girl power

My sisters and I are extremely close, and I go to them for everything. If I felt like I couldn't go to my sisters and talk to them, I would definitely NOT be too proud of the person I am. Just being close to my sisters and knowing that I have someone there for me with no restrictions and no boundaries has made me realize how serious girl power really is.

Girls shouldn't be against each other just because of a boy or because of something as trivial as looks. Girls should stick together at all costs, because sometimes, a sister/friend can be all you have.

Lauryn McClain is the middle sister in the group McClain, made up of Lauryn, her younger sister China and her older sister Sierra! She has also acted the films The Gospeland Daddy's Little Girls, as well as guest starred on A.N.T. Farm!