8 Things to Add to Your Leo Zodiac Season Bucket List

The middle of summer means it's finally Leo season, and this may be one of our very favorite times of the year.

Lasting from about July 23 to Aug. 22, Leo season is positively swirling with the sign's bold confidence and a sense of freedom that makes way for creativity and self-expression. Whether you actually believe in astrology or it's just the power of summertime, this time brings out the strength and courage in all of us, and it's time to embrace it. If you want to make the most of Leo's energy before it's gone, here are eight things to add to your seasonal bucket list.

Take the Stage

Feeling bolder than usual this Leo season? You're not alone, and even if you usually suffer from stage fright, now might be just the time to work through those fears and bravely put your talents on display—even if it's just a video on TikTok. Whether you're acting, dancing or playing music, a performance of any kind is a great way to hone your skills and show the world what you're made of. If you've been craving a bit of recognition, some time in the spotlight will get you just that.

Unsplash Dramatic stage performance against red curtain Kyle Head

(via Unsplash)


Make Yourself Over

Sometimes, we can use a bit of help embracing the sense of self and confidence we deserve, and a Leo season makeover can be just the push you need. This may be precisely the time to get that haircut you've been putting off, pamper yourself with a mani-pedi and relax with a professional facial or even a session with a makeup artist. Do whatever you need to glow both inside and out and step into your boldest self. Don't be afraid to post your transformation on social media if you also need some external validation.


Also read about: What to Know About Dating a Leo


Join the Club

Leo's fiery energy makes them natural-born leaders, and whether or not you're feeling inspired to take charge this month, becoming part of a community can help you feel like you're part of something bigger. Either way, the season's energy will have you wanting to rally together with others around common goals or interests you're passionate about. Whether you seek respect or just friendship, it's time to band together and spread the love.


Step Up to the Plate

Even if you're not suddenly feeling emboldened to become a leader, you may be more motivated now than you've been for several months. If you've been putting something off, ignoring responsibilities or just not feeling up to certain tasks, that might change. Don't be afraid to take the reigns and make some decisions that previously felt hard. Instead of sitting around and doing nothing, take chances and make choices, even if it's for something as simple as picking where to eat or what move you want to see. If you're up to it, it's the right time to lead everyone to the fun.


Also read about: 7 Flirty Texts to Send Your Leo Crush


Get the Party Started

Leo's social, attention-seeking nature might be putting you in a partying mood this season. Instead of waiting around for the party to come to you, take the leap and plan something yourself. Channel any extra energy you have pent up into making it the best gathering possible, invite over your friends who could use a big of excitement and make the most out of the joyous summertime vibes.


Soak Up the Summer

It couldn't be more apt that Leo season falls directly in the middle of summer. In case it wasn't obvious, this is the perfect time to get outside. Get that sun (wearing plenty of SPF, of course) and get active, whether that means playing sports, going hiking, exploring the great outdoors or cooling down by the sea or pool if it's too hot to exert yourself. While the sun's shining, get out to align yourself with the earth and really feel alive.

Unsplash Two people sunbathing on beach Toa Heftiba

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: 5 Reasons to Date a Leo


Make Your Mark Through Your Creativity

Creativity and imagination are in the air during Leo season, so don't forget to shine. Whether your outlet is painting, drawing, writing, performing or anything else there's never been a better time to express your authentic self in any way you can dream up. Putting your creations out into the world can be scary, at first, but you just might make an impact and inspire others to do the same.


Celebrate Yourself

And last, but certainly not least, Leo season is the perfect time to celebrate yourself, whether or not you have an actual occasion to do so. A feeling of freedom and independence comes with boosting yourself up and feeling confident with who you are. Don't hesitate to spoil yourself. Buy yourself a gift, embrace that main character energy and give others a reason to shower you with some well-deserved attention and praise.

Shutterstock woman out shopping for herself: Fashion woman with shopping bags walking on street. Spring Style. Consumerism, sale, purchases, shopping, lifestyle concept.

(via Shutterstock)


Admire Leos? Click HERE to discover all of the signs' most powerful traits that every sign should emulate.