8 Activities to Add to Your Libra Zodiac Season Bucket List

The official start of fall also means the beginning of Libra season, and we're ready to dive in head-first.

This zodiac season lasts from Sep. 22 to Oct. 22, bringing with it Libra's charming, peaceful and generous energy, and you better believe that we're going to make the most of it. It's just the time to let out your inner social butterfly and embrace your inner romantic, as well as participate in the activities we've outlined below in our Libra season bucket list.

Plan a Major Gathering

Libra is one of the sociable air signs of the zodiac, and the sign recharges their energy by spending time with the people they care about most. Even if you don't consider yourself the biggest of social butterflies, you can take advantage of the spirit of the season by planning some kind of party or gathering, getting together the people you love most to eat, play and be merry. It's all about being connected this season, and creating peaceful partnerships will be the name of the game.

Unsplash Friends dancing in tent for party Mitchell Orr

(via Unsplash)


Indulge the Senses

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, which governs things including beauty, aesthetics and the senses. During Libra season, you might be especially attuned to the way things look and feel, and whether you want to completely rearrange and redecorate your room, experiment with your style or create something artistic with your hands, don't hold back. You may also want to spend some time at art museums and exhibits to really take in the dramatic visuals.


Also read about: If You're a Libra, You'll Identify With These Truths About Your Zodiac Sign


Declutter Your Spaces

Libra is a sign of balance, but when your spaces are messy, things can start to feel completely out of whack. That's why there's no better time to start organizing your stuff and decluttering your space. Fewer distractions mean a clearer mind and more focused thought, and when everything's in its proper place, you'll be more motivated to put things back where they belong as you utilize your space.


Focus on Work-Life Balance

Speaking of balance, have you felt like your balance between your social life, relationships, home life and work or school life has been off-kilter lately? We suggest you start by jotting some things down. How much time are you devoting to each area of your life? Are there parts of it that you think deserve more or less time? By actually looking at your schedule and how you spend your time, you can make adjustments to find a better equilibrium between what you're doing and what you actually want.


Carve Out (At Least) One Self-Care Day

Feeling like you need to be in a million places at once? Libra's sometimes scatterbrained energy may be to blame. A day of self-care and pampering will do you plenty of good. Maybe this looks like getting a massage or a manicure, taking a hot bath or just laying in bed all day to relax. However you take care of yourself, when it's done, you'll feel rested and revitalized and way more capable when it comes to your busy life.

Unsplash Woman with cucumber over eyes self care Adrian Motroc

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: 5 Wonderful Libra Traits Every Sign Should Emulate


Get Lovey-Dovey

Libra may be the most lovey-dovey of all of the zodiac signs, and now is the time to embrace romance in your own life, whether you're already in a relationship or not. If you're coupled up, spend some time doing what you love with your partner and make your bond stronger than ever, or go out on that romantic date you've been postponing. If you're single, try putting yourself out there and testing the waters with your crush or meeting someone entirely new.


Enjoy the Fall Weather

Friendly Libras also love the cozy vibes of the start of fall, and before the weather gets extra chilly, this season is just the time to enjoy the outdoors in autumn. Whether you go on a mountain hike, set up a tasty picnic or just go for an outdoor walk, don't let this time slip you by without appreciating it.

Unsplash Fall Picnic With Apples Liana Mikah

(via Unsplash)


Make a Big Choice

If there's a big choice you've been weighing for some time now, Libra's decision-making skills just might prove useful as we move into this zodiac season. The pros and cons of your options may become more clear than they've ever been, allowing you to see what choice is actually right for you. It may also be easier than usual to smooth out conflicts and find peaceful resolutions.


Curious about what not to do? Click HERE for a guide of the things to avoid during Libra season.