Everything You Wanted to Know About ‘Sweet Spot’ Singer-Songwriter Lindsay Ell

Canadian singer-songwriter Lindsay Ell has made quite the splash with her first single of 2023, "Sweet Spot," and her huge year is only getting started.

With an upbeat, optimistic pop sound and just a dash of country flair, "Sweet Spot" is a track about enduring and landing just where you were meant to be in life, and we simply can't get enough. Lindsay has also returned as the host of Season 2 of Canada's Got Talent, which debuted just last week, ahead of a huge slate of shows, starting soon. Dates begin April 1, with shows running all the way through the middle of September as she supports country legend Shania Twain on her North American Queen of Me Tour, as well as special performances with Darius Rucker. Lindsay's fans are thriving, and if you're one of them, just keep scrolling to discover everything she shared with us as our latest Woman Crush Wednesday.

Lindsay Ell trivia Woman Crush Wednesday art

(Photo credit: Robby Klein)

Name: Lindsay Ell

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Birthday: March 20

Zodiac sign: Pisces


Fun Facts:

1. If Lindsay could pick anyone to play her in a movie about her life, it'd have to be Reese Witherspoon.

"I love how personable and kind she is, but also love how she can walk into a room and completely break all molds of assumption. She is brilliant, creative and still conducts herself in the most poised matter. Never underestimate a beautiful woman with an intention. Reese is the epitome of breaking the mold of expectation."

-Lindsay Ell

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2. She's always cracking up at her boyfriend and one of her best friends.

"They both know me to a level that I feel I can be 100% myself. There are no guards up, and they call me out on any BS immediately in the moment. They challenge me to be a better human, they let me ebb and flow with life at my speed, and they know how to make me laugh in any instant. I'm a firm believer that you start to become the average of the five people you spend the most time with, so choose your friends, and especially your partner, wisely!"

-Lindsay Ell


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3. The scariest thing she's ever done was telling her story about being a survivor.

"I remember the morning I woke up the day the article was running. I took a deep breath, opened my laptop, and knew that I would never go back to a world where people didn't know this about me. It's one of the things I'm the most proud of as well, because I feel like the things that we go through make us who we are. However, it was really scary. I had members of my family encouraging me not to come out with my story, and yet, when you want to be vulnerable, the only person that can really know the right timing is you."

-Lindsay Ell

4. Growing up, she adored BambiThe Little Mermaid and Aladdin.

"As a true Disney fan, I'd have to say my favorite Disney movie now is Ratatouille. I love this movie because it is all about breaking down prejudices and roadblocks. It teaches you to believe in yourself, even when no one else will."

-Lindsay Ell

5. The one thing she can't stop doing on her phone is checking social media.

"I am really trying to avoid my phone, and particularly opening Instagram and TikTok. It's almost a reflex of my thumb at this point whenever I open my phone. Recently, I've tried to carve out specific hours of the day when I don't open apps that play with my mental health like puppetry."

-Lindsay Ell


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6. Oprah is her biggest inspiration.

"When you look at someone who has worked as hard as she has, has given back as much as she has, and continues to do so much for women, activism and things that matter in this world, Oprah is the GOAT."

-Lindsay Ell

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7. Figuring out how to pick herself up when she's feeling down has been a lifelong process.

"I used to turn to working out or food to pick myself up. It became almost a knee-jerk reaction to either work out really hard or emotionally eat to make myself feel better. Recently I've gone into recovery from an eating disorder and am learning these behaviors in a whole new light. So now when I get discouraged, I really try to sit in my feelings instead of masking them with other things. It's hard and definitely doesn't feel as good as leaning into a vice, but oftentimes sitting in my feelings often gives me perspective that I never would've then just by masking them quickly. I have started to lean into songwriting as a way to further sit in these feelings and understand them instead of just distracting my mind to feel better doing something else."

-Lindsay Ell

8. Her musical tastes can't be pinned to one specific artist or genre.

"I love so many types of music, from listening to my favorite guitar player Derek Trucks and his influences like Ali Akbar Khan to Vulfpeck to The 1975 and pretty much everything in between. I'm just a fan of great, musical music."

-Lindsay Ell

9. She loves the smell of rosemary.

"A fresh rosemary bush outside smells like pure heaven! As far as a scent you can go find, it would probably be gardenia. Whenever I smell gardenia, it reminds me of peonies 😍"

-Lindsay Ell


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10. Her strangest hobby is simply being a big adventurer.

"I'd say this is strange because I never know where this is going to take me. I love adventures. I love breathing in fresh air and looking at new kinds of trees on the ground. I love walking around new cities and absorbing local culture. As much as I love the right companionship, I am a huge introvert and therefore love being by myself. There is a magic to traveling by yourself sometimes. It is so liberating and exhilarating."

-Lindsay Ell

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11. Lindsay's Enneagram reveals quite a lot about who she is deep down.

"I am a 3, in Enneagram talk, which means I am an achiever (to a fault, sometimes). It's important for me to constantly assess what the word 'balance' means and to make sure I'm not excusing working all the time for things that I shouldn't be. Instead of embracing quick fixes to certain problems, I, in this chapter of my life, am really trying to break things down to the heart of the matter. I am an ultimate multi-tasker and sometimes move so fast I lose sight of my perspective."

-Lindsay Ell


Be sure to check out Lindsay's stunning new single, "Sweet Spot," below, and click HERE to find out about our previous Woman Crush Wednesday, Mila Nabours.