The 5 Healing Crystals That Will Improve Your Love Life

Mystical ways of grabbing your crush's attention have existed since the beginning of history.

That said, only the most powerful forces have withstood the test of time. Curious what that means? Same! That's why we reached out to Intuitive pathfinder Sara Doone, who gave us the lowdown on the crystals you need to guarantee a good love life. 

Keep scrolling for Sara's take on which magical stones will open your heart and attract the love you've been waiting on for so long.

Rose Quartz

Starting from the top, we're introducing you to rose quartz. Considered the stone of love, this light pink stone is believed to help nurture relationships. Rose Quartz is used to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and our partner. "It may also give you the courage to explore your heart's desires," Sara says. 


(Courtesy of The Intuitive Pathfinder)


Blue Lace Agate

The one piece of relationship advice you've heard over and over again is that communication is key. Enter blue lace agate, a crystal known to help you communicate more easily.

"If you find yourself getting a bit too emotional and your words get stuck in your throat, then blue lace agate will help open your throat chakra and you'll be able to say what you need to without any tears or tantrums," Sara explains.


(Courtesy of The Intuitive Pathfinder)



If you're still in the market for an S.O., grab a few citrine stones. This crystal is well-known for its confidence properties. It will allow you to really believe in yourself, and being confident is always an attractive trait. If you've already locked down a partner, citrine is also the stone to call upon to "bring more of anything into your relationship," says Sarah.

If you feel like you and your partner need more memories, more patience or simply more time together, trust in citrine to get you through it.


(Courtesy of The Intuitive Pathfinder)



We've all been there, when you feel like you're on top of the world with your S.O. one second, and then you're in rocky territory the next. Sodalite is great for stability. This specific stone will not only stabilize your energy, it will calm your thoughts and emotions, too. Its benefits don't stop there—this crystal helps with any kind of mental stress and helps you wind down in bed after a long day.


(Courtesy of The Intuitive Pathfinder)


Abalone Shell

We've saved the best remedy for last!

"If you've had an argument and find that you can't quite let it go, then work with this crystal," Sara says.

Abalone shell is believed to take the edge off as it washes away arguments the same way the sea washes away waves. Our crystal pro says it helps make annoying moments between a couple mere memories. 


(Courtesy of The Intuitive Pathfinder)


Now that you know which crystals will help things out with the person you admire, click HERE to find out the six best times to text!