7 Reasons This YA Novel Is Your Next Favorite Book

Every once in a while we discover a hidden gem that takes us by surprise and demands to be shared with everyone we know. Above by Mackie Burt is one of those novels, telling the story of a teen who loses her life so she can become a Guardian Angel. There are a million reasons you should check it out, but we think these 7 will have you convinced.

above mackie burt novel cover

1. It's a feel-good story

Need a pick me up? Above is full of the kind of hope and optimism that can lend a little light to even the darkest days.

2. Because you've always wanted to attend Guardian Angel school

Good fantasy novels leave readers yearning to live within their richly crafted settings. Above will make you wish you could attend its charming school where teens train to become Guardian Angels just as much as you wished you could visit Hogwarts or Narnia.

teen author mackie burt above

3. It was written by a teen!

Most YA novels are by adults doing their best to channel their inner teen. Mackie Burt wrote Above when she was just 16. Who can get in the mindset of a teenager better than a teen?

4. You'll wish Callie was your Guardian Angel (or BFF)

Certain characters just stick with you, and Above's protagonist, Callie, is the kind of flawed, immediately relatable character we love to read about. She reminds us we're all struggling in some way, and that we all have the power to do something about it. Every book should have a hero like her!

above like harry potter and croak

5. Harry Potter and Croak fans will be obsessed

Above's magical school definitely has a Harry Potter feel (and, let's be honest, we all miss Hogwarts). Lovers of Croak by Gina Damico, about teens learning how to be Grim Reapers, will also adore Above. The stories are like two sides of the same coin and are a blast to read together.

above quote mackie burt

6. It will inspire you

Above is ridiculously quotable. It's packed with words that will make you think and leave you feeling just a little bit better about bad things that have happened happen and mistakes you've made. Above gives new meaning to the words "Everything happens for a reason."

7. We guarantee you will ship Callie and Logan

We love a good romance, and the romantic subplot between Callie and a boy named Logan exquisitely ties the plot together. It seems increasingly difficult to find characters that actually get to know one another instead of mindlessly tumbling into a romance that couldn't possibly work in the real world, and Above is a refreshing change.

Learn even more about Above and author Mackie Burt on Amazon here. If you loved the book as much as we do, let us know your thoughts in the comments and share your own reviews with us at Sweety High.