How One Simple Medicine Reading Offered Me the Best Spiritual Guidance of My Life

Healing my soul through spiritual guidance is something I've been all about recently.

As I've become more aware of how meditation and crystals work, I've found myself turning to other forms of metaphysical counseling to cleanse my energy and help improve my overall mental state.

Drawing of a female and her chakra

(via Shutterstock)

When I came across Deborah Hanekamp and her medicine readings, I knew this was something in which I needed to partake.

You may be wondering what a medicine reading even means. Essentially, it's a personal ceremony to find help one find harmony and rapture. More specifically, it's a ritual involving an intuitive reading, spiritual guidance, energy balancing and sound therapy to set you on a more positive life path.

Intrigued by what it promised to offer, I immediately signed up for a reading myself. While these readings generally take place in person, my hour-long session took place over Skype.

Initially I went into the reading hoping to gain a better sense of how to get the most out of meditation. Whenever I try to meditate, I have the most difficult time trying to quiet my mind to be in the moment rather than focusing on all the tasks I eventually need to get around to doing. What I got from the reading with Deborah, however, was so much more.

I told her about my meditation problem and so we meditated for a minute together. After, she noted that what blocked me from achieving a full meditative state was my relationship with my mom. I was a bit shocked when she brought this up and couldn't believe she even sensed this was an issue.

Normally, I'm not one to talk about my personal life. I deal with most of my issues internally. But for some reason, I was able to be completely honest and open with Deborah. She had this indescribable quality about her that made me feel safe, which is why I believe I gained so much from this medicine reading.

Once we had finished discussing my feelings regarding my mom, she helped me come up with next steps. Deborah insisted that, when the time felt right, I should have an open talk with my mom about all these feelings I've been harboring for so long. I haven't had that chat yet and I don't know when I'll feel ready, but I know it will happen in the not-so-distant future.

Moving on from this relationship, Deborah touched on my connection to the world. She noted that I had a bright green aura, meaning I'm compassionate and connected to nature. Because I am so compassionate, I often give away too much of myself to others. I'm always there to nurture others and help them when times get tough, but I also need to be there for myself. She urged that I establish where my "no" is and spend more time doing things for myself. This is certainly something I need to work on. Though it seems so easy to carve out some me-time, it's something I have never been the best at doing. New year, new me though, amirite?!

Female in a red sports bra and black yoga pants laying down while meditating on a blue yoga mat

(via Shutterstock)

When we finished discussing these aspects, we got into the healing portion of the reading. I laid down on my bed and did a simple breathing exercise while Deborah performed some ritualistic chants. I didn't really feel much while this was happening, but once it was over, I felt completely refreshed and restored. It's a feeling you'll only understand after you participate in a medicine reading yourself.

Before the reading was all said and done, Deborah gave me a bit of homework. She suggested that I find herbalism classes around my area to take in to cleanse my aura and take some dance or yoga classes to better connect to my more feminine energy. The final note she gave was to take a bath comprised of a Tiger's Eye crystal, fresh calendula flowers, a cup of Epsom salt and a few drops of lavender essential oil, noting this would allow me to feel like my own healer.

Calendula flowers in a tea cup next to vials of essential oils

(via Shutterstock)

That following day, I took the bath and felt empowered. It was nice doing something for myself. Soaking in the energy from the concoction ushered a sense of tranquility through my soul. I'll definitely be taking those baths more often.

If you want to cleanse your energy or simply receive some astounding life guidance, I highly recommend getting a medicine reading done by Deborah. It's one of the best ways to boost your spiritual well-being.


Staying on the subject of all things spiritual, HERE's what happened when I received a reading from a crystal healer.