Get To Know L2M During Our Exclusive “Meet The Girlz” Week

Remember when we recently introduced you to one of our newest favorite girl bands, L2M? Well, this week we have the opportunity to get to ~really~ know all five girls! Each day this week, we will personally introduce you to a different member of this fab girl group by giving you exclusive video content of Mariangeli, Tati, McKenzie, Jenna, and Lexi. Pay attention, because, spoiler alert, we might quiz you on how well you really know L2M at the end of the week!

L2M posed picture with white background


"Meet the Girlz" week is coming to an end today, BUT we still have one last amazing girl to introduce to you! Lexi is creative, super energetic, and a total blast!


Did you get a chance to meet Jenna? She's a girl of many talents and she adores her HUGE family. Check her out!


In case you missed it, you have to check out this triple threat, McKenzie>❤️.


Did you stop by for Tati Tuesday?! Get to know a little bit more about her now.


And don't forget to discover our girl Mariangeli's fave things.


Do you feel like you ~really~ know these girls now?? We warned you there would be a pop quiz to see how well you were paying attention! If you're ready to put your L2M knowledge to the test, click HERE. 


These girls could literally be our BFF's they're just so relatable and are all about girl power. Learn what girl power means to each of the L2M girls by checking out our exclusive interview with them HERE.