This New Etsy Shop Can Build a Mini Replica Of Your House Using Legos

Etsy is widely known for creating cool, unique products that can't be found anywhere else.

The ability to customize a piece of jewelry or home decor is one of the major draws of shopping on the creative online marketplace.


One shop, however, is taking customization to a whole new level. Little Brick Lane, launched at the end of last year, allows you to buy miniature replicas of your home made from Legos!

Outside of Mini Lego Home Replica

(via Etsy)

The shop was created by Shari Austrian, an architecture enthusiast who was inspired by her 7-year-old twins' love of building things from Legos. When the family was building their own life-sized home, Shari decided to create a miniature version for herself—and thus the idea for Little Brick Lane was born.

Obtaining your own custom model definitely comes at a price. First, you'll have to send Shari your home's architectural plans, as well as photos of the outside and inside. Pricing is based on the square footage of your home, but a typical model with exterior details alone would cost about $1,500, while the added intricacy of interior detailing would run about $2,500.

Kitchen in Mini Lego House

(via Etsy)

Hefty price or no, the homes are absolutely stunning.

Bedroom of Mini Lego House

(via Etsy)

Seriously, she even remembered the artwork on the walls!

We give Shari a strong 10/10 for creativity and intricacy. And we just might be inspired to revisit our own Lego collection in the near future.


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