Olivia Holt Talks Empowerment at Girltopia!

Kickin' It star Olivia Holt was one of the awesome girl power panelists at Girltopia last week. Girltopia is a Girl Scout event dedicated to empowering girls for a better future!Olivia Holt Girltopia

She chatted with Sweety High at the event on the BYOU Magazine pink carpet for an exclusive interview!

"This is an amazing event," Olivia said. "Something that I've grown up learning is that I want to have a positive and encouraging impact on everyone. By sending that message out there I hope that girls will be able to realize that they can do that too."

Olivia was a part of Girltopia's celebrity empowerment panel, where she discussed the importance of being yourself and being kind to others.

Most importantly, she said that you don't have to be a celebrity to be a role model and have an impact on others.

"No matter how young, no matter how old, no matter where they are, people are able to send out a message that works for everyone and anyone," she said. "So I'm very grateful to be here to help out."

Girltopia is all about girls empowering girls, and Olivia thought the event really drove that point home.

"Girls can really do anything," she said. "Especially in our generation today, I feel like we have a really great sense of community and I feel like everyone can bring that together and be a family."

Olivia said that she hoped she made an impact on the girls she got to meet at Girltopia.

"It's really heartwarming," she said. "There's so many girls out there that are going through so much and I feel like they always need that friend to kind of talk to, and I hope to be that friend for them."

You can follow Olivia Holt and BYOU Magazine on Twitter at @olivia_holt and @BYOUmagazine!

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