Here’s the Olivia Rodrigo’s GUTS Track You Are, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

It's been less than a week since Olivia Rodrigo's sophomore album GUTS was released, but we're calling it now—this is the album of the year.

The pop-punk-flavored masterpiece consists of 12 impossible-to-forget and deeply relatable tracks, simply oozing with Olivia's signature wordplay as she channels the unique pains of growing up. There's a track here for every kind of listener, and to prove it, keep scrolling to discover which GUTS track is just right for you, based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19): 'bad idea right?'

Nothing captures the impulsivity and playfulness of the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, quite like "bad idea right?" This sign is more than happy to jump head-first into what they know is a bad situation if there's the possibility of a reward. Plus, the fast-paced verses are just the thing to get Aries amped up to leap into their next misadventure.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20): 'making the bed'

Taurus's GUTS match has to be "making the bed," simply because this stable and reliable sign is all about taking responsibility for their own actions—good or bad. If they've gotten themselves into a less-than-perfect situation, they won't pin the blame on anyone else, and they're not beyond wallowing a bit in the pain of what they've created for themselves.


Gemini (May 21 – June 20): 'love is embarrassing'

Gemini is a sign represented by twins, and on top of having two sides to their personalities, they can also be a bit hot and cold with their feelings. "love is embarrassing" captures this emotion well, with Olivia quickly moving from being head-over-heels to seeing their true colors and feeling ashamed of how she acted in the throes of love. Geminis are also the most social sign of the zodiac, so of course, they don't like to be made to look like a fool in front of others.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22 ): 'the grudge'

There may not be a sign that feels their emotions quite so strongly as Cancer, which is why the inner pain and manipulation of "the grudge" suits them so well. This sign is prone to lingering on negative feelings, and once betrayed is very, very slow to forgive and forget. Even so, they can find it hard to let go of the love they have for someone, no matter how badly they were mistreated.


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Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22): 'get him back'

If there's one sign that always wants to "get him back," it's proud and attention-loving Leo. Bold Leos are willing to go to any lengths to get what they believe is theirs, and that doesn't exclude a bit of manipulation and trickery. It makes sense that they wouldn't be able to choose between plotting revenge and mending the relationship. Plus, the vibrant pop-punk vibe is pure Leo.


Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sep. 22): 'all-american b****'

Of course, perfectionistic Virgo had to be paired with the powerful "all-american b****." As the song describes, Virgo can tend to put far too much of themselves into attempting to be perfect, exhausting themselves over every small detail when the ideal isn't attainable to begin with. Of course, we also love the confidence found later in the track and think any Virgos listening should know that they are enough.


Libra (Sep. 23 – Oct. 22): 'ballad of a homeschooled girl'

If there's one sign that can relate to "ballad of a homeschooled girl"'s angst about fitting in, it's Libra. This is a sign represented by balance and peace, though in attempting to create this for others, they can sometimes lose sight of themselves to the point that they're not quite sure who they are. They can dull their own identities in able to squeeze themselves in socially, leaving them feeling like they don't quite belong anywhere.


Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21): 'lacy'

If there's one sign that's marked by mystery and obsession, it's Scorpio, making "lacy" the perfect match. The sign is incredibly passionate—sometimes bordering on fixation, and their true feelings can sometimes be obscured even to themselves. Many are familiar with the kind of envy that makes them unsure whether they want to be someone or be with them, and the constant comparison is also no stranger to Scorpio.


Also read about: Olivia Rodrigo Lyrics as IG Captions for When You're In Love


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21): 'teenage dream'

As ambitious and accomplished as Sagittariuses are, they can also have a complicated relationship with the idea of growing up, and "teenage dream" will resonate, even for those whose stories don't quite mirror Olivia's. When you're a young achiever or grow up in the spotlight, it can be hard to grow up and see that your triumphs aren't celebrated in quite the same way. Lucky for Sags, good fortune is known to follow them—and like Olivia, they're only getting started.


Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19): 'logical'

As one of the hardest-working and practical signs of the zodiac, we think "logical" is the perfect track for Capricorn because being in love is the one time they can't completely follow their heads over their hearts. While Caps tend to be able to do the logical and wise thing, they can be irrational when love is on the line, doing things they'd never do otherwise—and that they might later wish they hadn't.


Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18): 'vampire'

Just because Aquariuses tend to be independent and individualistic doesn't mean they're not just as prone to falling for the wrong people and having their energy sucked dry. "vampire" is a particularly poignant track for the sign because they don't let people in so easily, and trusting the wrong person can leave them completely drained until they can learn to free themselves from the clutches of a toxic relationship.


Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20): 'pretty isn't pretty'

Any dreamy and emotional Pisces can relate to the pains detailed in "pretty isn't pretty." Even when they try their best, they're familiar with feeling like they're not enough and that as hard as they try to keep up, the world keeps changing too much for them to neatly fit anywhere. They will find their happiness once they start defining happiness themselves, but until then, things can be tough.


For even more on GUTS, click HERE to discover 42 of its best lyrics—and how to use them as Instagram captions.