All the Best Ways to Pamper Yourself This National Comfy Day

This Thursday, Feb. 20 is National Comfy Day, and though our own day-long self-care sessions will probably have to wait until the weekend, it's never too early to start planning ahead.

The holiday is all about setting aside your obligations, getting as comfy as possible and celebrating the laziness within. Ready to pamper yourself and soak in those peaceful, restful vibes? Below are some of our top tips for making the most of the day—or any day off when you desperately need the rest.

Start Slow

Start every day by browsing your phone and then immediately jumping into a rushed, hectic morning routine? Resist that temptation on your comfy day off. Ideally, you won't need to set an alarm, so you can get up at your own pace. Avoid using your phone and any other devices. Give yourself some time to practice present mindfulness, and don't feel the need to force yourself out of bed right away if you'd rather luxuriate under the warmth and comfort of your covers.

Once you do get up, start your day with something light but nourishing to eat and your morning dose of caffeine, if necessary. Try reading or jotting your thoughts down in a journal as a way to kick off your day, rather than checking in on social media. Simply slowing down in the morning can do wonders to set a comfortable tone for the rest of your day.

Shutterstock: Bed, stretching and happy woman waking up in the morning after sleep, rest and relax in her home. Resting, smile and female stretch in her bedroom, content and peaceful, cheerful and comfortable

(via Unsplash)



Unplugging from the rest of the world can be hard, especially when social media is your primary form of entertainment. However, the more time you usually spend there, the more beneficial a break can be—especially if you sometimes find that it impacts your mood or stress levels. If you can't unglue yourself for the full day, try at least a few hours away to avoid thinking about engagement or whether you're missing out on other people's posts. Try putting your phone on Do Not Disturb (with exceptions, if absolutely necessary) and focus on yourself, in the moment, in any way you can.


Also read about: 7 Ways Social Media Might Be Making You Unhappy


Curate the Right Mood

Creating a comfy, stress-free atmosphere is more easily said than done. It all starts with the right environment, so curate that mood by paying attention to all of your senses. Adjust lights to your ideal levels and use scented candles for some mood lighting, as well as a soothing smell, or spritz the room with your signature fragrance. Bump the thermostat to your temperature of choice if it isn't already there, then set up a cozy spot—whether it's on the couch, your favorite chair or your bed—with your comfiest blankets and pillows. Use mood-boosting tunes to get into the right headspace, and if you won't be going anywhere, don't feel obligated to change out of your favorite, most luxurious, pair of pajamas.


Read With Your Favorite Hot Drink

One of our favorite ways to unwind is to sit with a hot drink and a good  book and completely lose ourselves for a few hours. The options here truly are endless. Tea, coffee and hot chocolate are equally appropriate beverages to sip as you read, whether you prefer to do some from a physical book from your shelf or via an eReader (also a good option if you didn't plan ahead and need to borrow an eBook from the library at the last minute). Not in the right mindset to read? Audiobooks and podcasts can also be enriching listens as you sit back and decompress.

Unsplash: Reading book

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: Here's What Your Favorite Book Genre Says About You


Buy Yourself Flowers

Take a page from Miley Cyrus's book and buy yourself some flowers the next time you need a pick-me-up. Chances are you have a favorite, whether it's because of their color and shape, their luscious scent or a specific memory, so you'll always pick a bouquet you love. Take care of them, and they'll last a while, so the mood-boosting power of treating yourself to flowers can well beyond the actual holiday.


Splurge on Dessert

A good dessert can make any occasion feel special, so don't be afraid to indulge a bit when it comes to National Comfy Day. Whether you go out to eat or order something in, be sure to save some room for dessert—especially if you usually pass on a most-meal treat because you're already full. There's something about a sweet, decadent treat that never fails to put smiles on our faces, and if you also have a sweet tooth, we bet you can relate. If you love to bake, you may also enjoy the process of whipping something up for yourself and mindfulness that this kind of repetition and focus can bring, making every bite even sweeter.

Unsplash: Woman sipping on milkshake by Becca Tapert

(via Unsplash)


Express Yourself

We often find that the chance to get creative and express ourselves is the ultimate relaxation tool. You might also get a lot out of letting your imagination run wild, so don't hesitate to do so, whether that's creating music or dancing, making art or some kind of crafts with your hands or even writing something. Maybe that's simply journaling, creating a story from scratch or even writing fanfiction for your favorite piece of media. We don't judge. It's really all about the creativity.


Need a break in the middle of the week? Click HERE for some of our favorite tips for when you're feeling overwhelmed.