The Poetry Book You Should Read, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Poetry books are always a fun and inspirational read.

With so many options out there, we took the liberty of finding the perfect collection of work for you.

Scroll below to discover the poetry book you should read, based on your zodiac sign:

Aries (March 21 – April 19): The Princess Saves Herself in This One by Amanda Lovelace

You're a courageous and determined individual, Aries. As the most competitive sign in the zodiac, it's no wonder you strive to emerge victorious in everything you do. You rarely ever ask for help, because there's no one you trust more than yourself to get the job done. Amanda Lovelace's The Princess Saves Herself in This One is a collection of poetry that will remind you of this when you're starting to lose faith in yourself. Reading it will give you the power to keep moving forward.


Taurus (April 20 – May 20): The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kuar

Grounded and practical, you work hard to surround yourself with more material pleasures. There's no shame in enjoying the finer things in life, Taurus. But you often get too caught up in self-indulging that you forget who you are and where you came from. For Rupi Kuar, The Sun and Her Flowers is about going back to her roots and finding what makes her whole. Reading each poem will bring you back to center during those times you've treated yourself a little too much.

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Gemini (May 21 – June 20): Algedonic by R.H. Sin

Being a Gemini, you have two contrasting sides to your personality. Each day is totally different than the last for you, so neither you nor your loved ones ever know what to expect. This is why you'd appreciate reading R.H. Sin's Algedonic. Filled with pure emotion, this book will speak to your desire to see both sides of every story. You know better than anyone how there are always different viewpoints to an occurrence, so you'll find solace in this work.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22): Milk and Honey by Rupi Kuar

Though you have a tough exterior, you're a pretty emotional sign. Your sensitivity often gets the best of you and can leave you feeling helpless or unsure about what to do next. As far as poetry books go, you need something that'll get you back on your feet. Rupi Kuar's Milk and Honey explores themes of finding the good in the bad and learning to move on. It'll have you crying, but also feeling like you don't need to let your future be controlled by the hurt you felt in the past.

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Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22): Eternal Sunshine by Londrelle

Someone as cheerful, generous and warm-hearted as you has no problem stealing the spotlight in any given situation. Your optimistic and passionate energy attract people like a magnet. Though you're known for your cheery nature, you often can let the weight of the world drag you down. When that happens, read some poems from Eternal Sunshine by Londrelle. Every piece of prose is entirely uplifting and will snap you back to the positive person you are.


Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22): Sea of Strangers by Lang Leav

Careful and analytical, you never leave anything to chance. You try your hardest to make sure every little detail of your life is planned out, because you need everything to be perfect. That doesn't always work out, which leaves you feeling down and out. This is why you'd benefit from reading Lang Leav's Sea of Strangers. A collection of poetry and prose, this book is filled with themes of empowerment and self-discovery. You'll feel a sense of ease take over you whenever you pick this book up.

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Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22): Take Me With You by Andrea Gibson

You're a social butterfly, Libra. You're always surrounded by your friends or family, because you can't stand to be alone. You don't spend a lot of time by yourself, unless you absolutely must. For those moments when you feel completely alone, reading Andrea Gibson's Take Me With You will make you feel less abandoned. Always make sure to keep this pocket-book with you wherever you go.

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Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21): Flux by Orion Carloto

You're an enigma wrapped in a riddle shrouded in a mystery, Scorpio. You prefer to keep aspects of your life hidden from the rest of the world. That said, you're not one to shy away from change. Each and every day, you strive your very best to be a better person than you were the day before. Orion Carloto's poetry book, Flux, is all about embracing change and transforming into the person you were destined to be. Sounds like the perfect read for you, don't you think?


Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21): Mountain Interval by Robert Frost

As the traveler of the zodiac, you're always off on some exciting adventure. You wander the ends of the earth searching for the meaning of life. We feel you'd identify with the themes of discovery in Robert Frost's Mountain Interval. Plus, this book contains the iconic poem, "The Road Not Taken," which we're guessing you're a big fan of, Sag. You're certainly not one to take the route everyone else does.

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19): Adultolescence by Gabbie Hanna

A workaholic who's got more self-control than all the other signs combined, you've got a lot of your life figured out. There are, however, some aspects that leave you uncertain. As much as you like to think you know everything, you don't—and it sort of eats away at you. Reading Gabbie Hanna's Adultolescence will calm you down when you're upset about your lack of knowledge on a certain subject. It's all a learning process.


Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18): The Universe of Us by Lang Leav

You're not like most signs, Aquarius. We know you get that a lot, but it's true. You're a unique individual who marches to the beat of a much different drum. You tend to think about a variety of different things every day, but nothing brings you more joy and pleasure than talking about the universe. You're constantly amazed by its vastness and unexplored regions. This is why you'd enjoy Lang Leav's The Universe of Us, as it's a collection of poems inspired by the universe.

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Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20): I Love My Love by Reyna Biddy

You're one of the most caring and giving signs, Pisces. You put everyone else's needs above your own, because you just want your friends and family to be happy. But sometimes you forget to take care of yourself and practice some much needed self-love every now and then. Reading Reyna Biddy's powerful I Love My Love will inspire you to take better care of yourself each and every day.

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Need some inspirational Instagram captions? Look no further than THESE poems by Rupi Kuar.