5 Simple Steps for the Most Productive Summer Ever

When you think summer, you probs think relaxation and fun, right? But, summer is actually also a perfect time to learn, research and flex those brain muscles. ????????

Girl reading on a bench in front of a brick wall

(Photo Credit: Yulia Grigoryeva via Shutterstock)

We chatted with Hillary Rettig, author of The 7 Secrets of the Prolific: The Definitive Guide to Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism and Writer's Block, and she revealed five key things any creative girl can do to keep her mind sharp! Yaaas, brain power.


1. "Aim for quantity not quality, and focus on finishing."

One of the hardest things about starting any sort of project is actually finishing it. Hillary suggests you start with a bunch of smaller summer projects if you feel you may get stressed about doing one larger one. How about taking on three small DIY projects rather than one that will take all summer? Baby steps, girls! Maybe try out one of our fun summer accessory DIY projects here to begin.

Shutterstock picture of paint brushes

(Photo Credit: Billion Photos via Shutterstock)


2. "Select one person whose life and work you admire and spend the summer studying him or her."

What better way to spend a long afternoon than by studying someone you really look up to? Pick a person who has the type of success you dream about. Look at how they ultimately achieved that success and what strides they took to get to that point.

If you're not into researching a person, Hillary also recommends doing the same type of research for a piece of writing, art, science or technology that's equally meaningful to you. This research may just help you find out what you're truly passionate about. ????????


3. "Pick one type of social media and really learn to master it."

This one will be easy for us! Beyond just extensively using social media platforms you love like Twitter or Insta, learn exactly how they work and what other tools are out there to help make it easier to use. It won't feel like work at all!

Social media logos cut out and placed on a wooden table

(Photo Credit: Miss Ty via Shutterstock)


4. "Learn one new non-Internet skill."

The internet is a glorious thing, but it's important to unplug from time to time. Hillary advises you spend a few hours a week on something you're interested in but have never done. Are you into gardening? Painting? Reading? Try something new that doesn't require your cell or laptop.


5. "Practice 'nonprocrastination' and 'nonperfectionism' while you work. Teach yourself to sit down right on time and ease into your work without a lot of drama."

The only way you ever get better at something is by trying! Hillary told us the best way to learn to practice "nonprocrastination" and "nonperfectionism" is to do your work without a lot of drama, judgment or self-criticism. If you set up a schedule for yourself during the summer and stick to it, chances are you will be able to do the same thing during the school year. Discipline is everything.


Most productive summer ever? We think yes! Keep the productivity going by adding one of THESE 7 amazing YA books to your reading list.