A Definitive Ranking of Every Sparkling Water in Aura Bora’s Sampler Variety Pack

As an avid sparkling water connoisseur, I've been a massive fan of the herbal sparkling water brand Aura Bora ever since was first introduced to them in 2020.

Since then, I've been working even more closely with the brand, getting to try their newest flavors each and every month, and it wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that I'm obsessed. So, when they offered to send me their brand-new Sampler Variety Pack featuring a dozen of both their new and beloved flavors, I jumped at the opportunity. Below, find my definitive ranking of all 12 flavors.

Aura Bora Variety Sampler pack

(via Aura Bora)

12. Raspberry Vanilla

I'll start this ranking off by saying that while I think all Aura Bora flavors are worth sipping, I definitely prefer some to others. Take the Raspberry Vanilla flavor, for example. While I love the tart raspberry notes, vanilla is one of my least flavors within sparkling water. Despite not actually being sweet, it feels slightly cloying, clashing with the carbonation and leaving an aftertaste in my mouth that I don't love. I also bet there are fans that love the vanilla and would completely disagree.

Aura Bora Raspberry Vanilla sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


11. Lemongrass Coconut

I actually really like the way this flavor tastes, but the way it evokes the flavor of certain Thai foods—think curries and soups—makes its aftertaste not quite work for me. It leans almost savory, with a refreshing flavor from grassy, almost spicy lemongrass and delicate coconut, but it'll never be one of my top choices.

Aura Bora Lemongrass coconut sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


10. Grapefruit Elderflower

As someone who adores all things citrus, I really thought I'd like this Grapefruit Elderflower flavor more, but my tastebuds aren't the biggest fan of the way the floral elderflower notes complement the bitterness of the grapefruit. It feels light and fresh but not quite right. I think I'd prefer a plain grapefruit, but your mileage may vary.

Aura Bora Grapefruit Elderflower sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


9. Banana Bergamot

This is where the flavors take a big step up for me. I'm a fiend for Earl Grey teas because of the bitter, citrusy tang of the bergamot, and I adore the way it comes through in the Banana Bergamot flavor. However, I do find that the sweetness of the banana is very subtle, and tends to get buried under the bergamot, sometimes making this taste like it's not there at all.

Aura Bora Banana Bergamot sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


Also read about: Here Are 6 Healthy Sodas You Must Try to Satisfy Your Carbonated Cravings


8.  Peppermint Watermelon

I find that peppermint is not a flavor for all occasions, which accounts for the placement of Aura Bora's Peppermint Watermelon flavor. It might sound strange, but with the bold mint at the forefront and the sweet freshness of the watermelon lingering on the tongue, it's quite tasty. However, I can't really recommend sipping this one with a meal, which might leave your mouth with a strange combination of flavors.

Aura Bora Peppermint Watermelon sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


7. Cactus Rose

I'm not sure if everyone will love the earthy, almost grassy flavor of Aura Bora's Cactus Rose, but I find it quite yummy. It's nice and crisp, with lingering notes of rosy florals to brighten it up. Somehow, it also feels a little more hydrating than your average can of sparkling water.

Aura Bora Cactus Rose sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


6. Ginger Meyer Lemon

Aura Bora truly couldn't go wrong with their Ginger Meyer Lemon flavor. First, it gets you with the tingly spice of ginger, backed by the tart-sweet balance of Meyer lemon. Both flavors work together well and are accentuated even further by the bubbles.

Aura Bora Ginger Meyer Lemon sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


5. Blueberry Wildflower

Blueberry Wildflower is just as tasty as it sounds on paper. It beautifully blends the tart sweetness of the blueberry and the soft wildflower florals to create the closest thing Aura Bora has ever come to a candy flavor, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of the brand's most popular offerings.

Aura Bora Blueberry Wildflower sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


Also read about: A Definitive Ranking of All 27 Classic Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream Flavors


4. Lavender Cucumber

As a lover of lavender, I knew I'd adore Aura Bora's Lavender Cucumber flavor, and it didn't disappoint. The floral lavender is quite punchy without dominating the flavor, as the coolness of the cucumber comes in as the aftertaste. It's not a flavor combination I see often, but it's one I'd be happy to see all over.

Aura Bora Lavender Cucumber sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


3. Lime Cardamom

I've mentioned before that I love citrus, and this Lime Cardamom flavor is citrus done right. It hits you right at the beginning with a bold and refreshing lime flavor, with just a hint of the slightly piney and astringent taste of cardamom. It's beautifully balanced to maintain its striking impact with every sip.

Aura Bora Lime Cardamom sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


2. Strawberry Basil

This Strawberry Basil sparkling water works so well because it's one of the rare flavors where both flavor notes equally share the stage. The strawberry is fresh and sweet, while the basil complements it with an herbal, almost spicy note with every sip. They work beautifully in harmony and just wouldn't be the same without the other.

Aura Bora Strawberry Basil sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


1. Peach Honeysuckle

And finally, the Aura Bora flavor that will always have my heart is the Peach Honeysuckle. Nothing compares to the vibrant juiciness of the peach flavor, flawlessly matched with the delicate and sweet florals of honeysuckle. Regardless of the time of year, this tastes like summer in a can.

Aura Bora Peach Honeysuckle sparkling water

(via Aura Bora)


For more tasty rankings, click HERE to see every OLIPOP flavor ranked.