Sasha Alex Sloan Hopes to Provide Comfort for the Isolated With New Album Me Again

Beloved singer-songwriter Sasha Alex Sloan just released her third album, Me Again, and it's by far her most personal and emotionally resonant body of work yet.

While in the past, Sasha purposefully shied away from her own sadness within her music, Me Again was all about embracing it to create something honest and raw. Across 13 songs, including "Kids," "Highlights" and the title track "Me Again," Sasha works through her inner struggles, diving right into the anxiety she's felt, despite her critical and commercial success, recognizing the weight of her past while learning to be less burdened by it. She wrote the majority of the album with just her husband, King Henry, by her side, and today, May 17, it's finally here for fans all around the world to hear. We had the pleasure of chatting with Sasha ahead of the release to learn more about the album, and why it's such a significant moment for her.

Sweety High: What does the album title Me Again mean to you? Why did that title track feel like the perfect summation of this group of songs?

Sasha Alex Sloan: "Me Again" means "I'm in a dark place and I can't wait to get out of it." I think the song really represents the head space I was in when I made this record.

Sasha Alex Sloan Me Again Album cover

(Me Again via Sue Perb Records)


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SH: What do you feel are the overarching themes of the album? What kind of feel do you hope fans take away from it?

SAS: Hopelessness, addiction, sadness, loss. As corny as it sounds, I hope fans feel less alone when they listen to it. I know how easy it is to feel isolated when you're going through a hard time so I would love it if this album can comfort someone.


SH: How would you describe the album's sound? Production-wise, how did you go about bringing these tracks to life?

SAS: I would say it sounds organic. I wanted everything to feel very live and less pop sounding than I've done in the past.

Sasha Alex Sloan promo image

(Photo credit: Slater Goodson)


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SH: How do you feel that these songs represent where you all are in life right now?

SAS: I think I can still relate to them in a lot of ways, unfortunately. I'm definitely in a better place, though, compared to when they were written.


SH: What's your favorite song on the album? Why?

SAS: So hard to pick and it really changes depending on my mood, but as of right now… I think "only you can." The song just means so much to me. It talks about watching a loved one struggle with addiction and I just think it's a really important song.


SH: How do you think you've evolved as an artist since I Blame the World?

SAS: I think I've changed in a lot of ways. I Blame the World was mostly written during COVID and I was scared to be "actually sad," since everything else was already so heavy… so I tried to make it all shiny and pop sounding even though I was struggling. This album, I just let my feelings be my feelings, which was a nice change of pace and felt more true to who I am as a person.


For even more on our favorite new music out today, click HERE to read our interview with Latin-pop trio DARUMAS on their new self-titled album.