The Best Captions to Use for All Your School Dance Pictures With Your Best Friend

Who needs a formal date to the dance when you can take your BFF?

Sure, going to prom or homecoming with a boyfriend or girlfriend is the typical way to do things, but it's hardly the only route you can take. In fact, since you likely feel totally comfortable in front of your bestie, you might even feel more confident taking them to the big dance. That way, you can totally be yourself without any awkward moments or pressure to impress a significant other.

With that in mind, scroll down for a list of the best quotes to use as Instagram captions for all of your dance pics with your best friend!

For that photo of you asking your bestie to the dance:

"No one would suit me better than you for prom."


For that photo when your bestie finds their outfit:

"When she said yes to the dress!"


For that photo of you two in your outfits for the dance:

"The best memories are the ones you make together with friends."

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For that dancefloor selfie with your bestie:

"Making selfies with you is my favorite thing to do."


For that limo photo of the two of you:

"Great friends, great memories!"


For that photobooth pic of you and your BFF:

"When the world revolves around just the two of us!"

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For that photo of you and your BFF at the venue:

"Take more chances, dance more dances."


For that photo of you and your BFF being crowned king and queen:

"Every king needs a queen."


For that photo of you and all your pals dancing:

"I never miss a chance to dance with friends."

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For that final photo of the night:

"Another unforgettable night with my BFF."


For more Instagram caption inspiration, click HERE for a list of the best captions for all of your photos of the aquarium.