Selena Gomez Talks About Fans and Paparazzi

Selena Gomez doesn't agree with the idea that "no press is bad press."

The singer/actress has always tried to keep her personal life rather private, but when you are a huge star and dating Justin Bieber, a teen heartthrob, it's hard to stay out of the spotlight.

Although Selena stays quiet about lots of personal things in her life, she says paparazzi and media are a part of the life she picked and she understands that. All the press and media coverage certainly isn't hurting Ms. Gomez's career! Just this year she hit the big screen in "Monte Carlo" and released her 3rd album, making the 19 year old quite the sensation!

Selena isn't crazy about all the paparazzi all the time, but she also says she loves what she does and credits her friends, family, and fans for getting her where she is today.

Aww! We can't wait to see what the future holds for Selena!

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