7 Steps to Making Your Own Social Distancing Face Mask

These days, whenever we venture outside, it's been recommended to wear a face mask or face covering of some sort.

Why? It's to protect ourselves and others from contracting coronavirus. If we plan on getting back to normalcy any time soon, all of us need to do our part. When it comes to face masks in particular, there are many options out there to choose from.

You can buy disposable ones in bulk or even invest in something reusable. We think it's best to make your own because it's not only fun, but a way to help out the environment. Plus, it's a great reminder not to touch your face.

Interested in making your own? We spoke with the experts over at Claire's, and they gave us some outstanding insight! Keep reading for seven steps to making your own social distancing face mask.

1. Set Aside an 18″ x 18″ Bandana and Two Hair Ties

The experts over at Icing recommend an 18″ x 18″ bandana, but if it's a little bigger than that, no problem! If you don't already have a bandana, THIS (pictured below) is a great option.

face mask

(Courtesy of Claire's)


2. On a Flat Surface, Fold the Top of the Bandana to the Center

Find any flat surface and lay out your bandana or handkerchief. Start from the top, and fold it to the center of the bandana.

face mask

(Courtesy of Claire's)


3. Repeat and Fold the Bottom of the Bandana to the Center

Repeat the step from above but from the bottom this time.

face mask

(Courtesy of Claire's)


4. Again, Fold the Top of the Bandana to the Center, and the Bottom of the Bandana to the Center

Just as in steps 2 and 3, you'll be folding from the top to the center, and the bottom to the center.

face mask

(Courtesy of Claire's)


5. Next, Flip Over the Bandana and Thread the Ends Through the Hair Ties, About 1/3 for Each Section

Grab your hair ties and thread them through the ends of the bandana. Each of the three sections should be even.

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(Courtesy of Claire's)


6. Then, Fold the Sides of the Bandana and Flip Over

Fold over each section, which should all match up pretty well if you followed the 1/3 rule!

face mask

(Courtesy of Claire's)


7. Finally, Put Your Face Mask on and Head Outside!

Ta-da! Your face mask is ready to take on the world.

face mask

(Courtesy of Claire's)


Need more tips during this time of quarantine? Click HERE for how to stay sane during social isolation.