Need Homework Help? This App Is Here to Save Your Grade

We've all been there before: We're banging out our homework and we encounter a problem that we just can't solve or locate in our textbooks.

Callie helping Jude with homework

(The Fosters via Freeform)

In the handy dandy days of Google, all we really need to do is ask this almighty higher power the question, and voila, the answer is at our fingertips. While this method (some call it cheating—tomayto, tomahto) may prove helpful for our homework assignments, it can be disastrous when the test rolls around.

Yes, we got the points for our homework, but no, we didn't actually learn anything.

But now you can have the best of both worlds with the free app, Socratic. This virtual tutor is educated in sciences, maths and humanities, including but not limited to the subjects of Chemisty, English, Physics, Algebra and World History. Whether you're in middle school or high school, this app has a wide knowledge of the subjects you need to know.

Socratic subjects list

(via Socratic)

In order to use the app, all you do is snap a photo of your homework problem and watch the magic begin. The app then calculates the answer and provides you with a variety of methods for figuring out the problem for yourself. It doesn't simply give the answer, but rather the method for solving the problem.

After uploading the question, you are provided with four options to choose from: Explainer, Video, Definitions or Web Results. Through each of these categories, the app provides elaborate information to help you deduce the answer all on your own.

Basically, this free downloadable app is a tutor constantly at your disposal. One of the major downfalls of having an in-person tutor is that if you're really struggling with a subject, it can feel a little embarrassing to perform in front of the pro. In addition, your parents are likely to love this cyber homework helper. Even they can admit that they're a bit rusty on your high school math courses.


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