7 Questions You NEED to Ask Yourself Before Starting a YouTube Channel

The Emma Chamberlains and David Dobriks of the world make YouTube look so easy.

They effortlessly dominate the screen, captivating millions of viewers all over the world with their humor and personable approach to the digital platform.

If they can do it, so can you, right? While there's certainly no reason why you shouldn't get the fair shot as these huge stars, there are some very important things to consider before diving into this fun, yet sometimes dark, and always competitive world.

Below are seven questions you need to ask yourself before starting a YouTube channel.

1. What's Your Ultimate Goal?

While gaining fame and making money are awesome perks to becoming a successful YouTuber, those shouldn't be your initial reasons for getting into the business. The popular YT'ers you watch have gained their huge following from having something specific to offer their subscribers (even if it's solely based on their personality and not a specific skill).

Jeffree Star, for example, not only knows how to apply makeup and skincare like no other, but he'll give you his raw opinions on every little detail, down to the feeling of the packaging—and he does it in the most humorous way. Emma, on the other hand, is the laid-back, relatable girl anyone can see themselves befriending. From her acne woes and coffee obsession to making it as a teen living in her own L.A. apt, she lives an exciting life, but still remains the girl next door who has the same problems and interests as you do.

If you only want to get into the business for the sake of money and popularity, your lack of authenticity will translate on camera. But if you have a special skill or especially vibrant personality that you want to share with the world, that's a good start!


2. How Much Time Are You Willing to Devote to Your Channel?

When we see these edited videos come to life on screen, they can almost seem like very little effort went into them—when, in fact, one video can take up to 20 hours to edit. YouTube is a serious commitment. Even aside from the editing, you also have to be prepared to consistently come up with fresh ideas and be ready to post regularly to maintain the interest of your following. If you're busy with school and a part-time job or extracurriculars, it may not be the right time to start your channel. But if you're really ready to dive in and commit (while still upholding your academic duties), then you may be ready to give it a shot.

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3. Do You Have a Thick Skin?

Having a thick skin is crucial to making it as a YouTuber. It really doesn't matter how funny or cute you are—there will always be haters. Are you able to disconnect from the naysayers and go on as if they don't exist? If your feelings are easily hurt, this may not be the road for you. Many YouTubers have spoken out about needing a break from the platform, whether due to hateful comments or drama with other YouTubers.

When you coexist in such a small world, it's easy to get caught up in the he-said, she-said nonsense with fellow creators. As we saw with Tati Westbrook and James Charles, for example, one major feud can turn your once-loyal fans against you in the blink of an eye.

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4. Do You Have Patience?

YouTubers like Emma, for example, found YouTube fame at an unusually quick pace—but for the average user on the platform, such recognition doesn't come overnight. Jenna Marbles, Shane Dawson and other huge YouTubers have been at it for more than a decade. After years and years of opening up about their struggles and filming videos that let people into their quirky personalities, they've garnered a trusting fanbase.

To make it on the platform, you'll not only need to have patience when it comes to editing your content but also while gaining a following. If you truly believe in yourself and what you can bring to the table, then show it to the world. If you're unsure, then there's no point in doing it halfheartedly.

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5. How Comfortable Are You in Front of the Camera?

If you get nervous even posting Insta Stories for however many followers you have, prepare to have even more angst about posting videos for essentially the world to see. While your nerves may improve over time, if being in front of a camera scares you even slightly, it will show through in your content. If, however, you can talk to the camera as if you're talking to your best friend, well, it sounds like that part of YT won't be an issue for you.

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6. How Honest Are You Willing to Be?

Most YouTubers gain their following via the honest representations of their lives. Whether that's in the form of product reviews, makeup tutorials or day-to-day existence, viewers turn to creators to get the real deal on something that fascinates them. Unlike "reality" TV, YouTube is supposed to be a place where what goes down is, in fact, reality.

Even in the case of silly pranks and skits, the YouTuber's true personality should shine through, as opposed to a cleaned-up version made specifically for cameras. This also includes opening up about your personal life, for better or worse. If viewers know you're in a relationship, you better believe they'll want to know if you and your significant other broke up.


7. How Well Do You Deal With Competition?

While you may only follow a small number of YouTubers, there are so many out there. Each time we load the app, some other recommended user with more than a million followers pops up, usually one we've never heard of. There are a lot of people with channels, and many of them are doing the same thing. How strong are you when it comes to dealing with the competition? Also, you may have one video that gets a ton of views, only to find your next one is a fail. If your ego is easily bruised, this may not be the path for you. But if you see yourself as your only competition, then perhaps this world is for you after all.

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As you know from above, we totally get Emma Chamberlain's appeal. HERE are five times she was the most relatable YouTuber.