Cimorelli Changes 1D’s “Steal My Girl” To “Steal My Boy”!
Over the weekend, Cimorelli released an amazing cover of One Direction's "Steal My Girl," getting back to their roots in an epic way!
The video begins with the six sisters at filming at home, with Christina at the piano. It takes us way back to classic Cimorelli covers, bringing out the girls' vocal talents and perfect harmonies, backed by a single piano!
Cimorelli switches up the lyrics a bit for this cover, making them about the perfect boy, before they head outside and shift into full music video gear!
The rest of the music video is silly and sweet as the sisters show off some great moves against beautiful outdoor scenes!
In the bloopers that follow the music video, the Cimorelli gals practice their foreign language skills in preparation for tonight's meet and greet in Germany!
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