5 Surefire Ways to Get Over Writer’s Block
When you're attempting to write, sitting in front of your computer and looking at a blank document can be very discouraging.
Whether you have absolutely no idea where to start, where you want to go with your writing or what it is that you're trying to say, no one likes it when the words won't come—and just staring at the screen probably won't help.
When that does happen, what can you do? Here's what we suggest to get the ideas flowing and help you get over your writer's block.
1. Step Away From Your Computer
It can be draining to just sit and stare at your computer screen, and sometimes some free time, away from your devices, can do a world of good. Try stepping outside and going for a walk to clear your mind, get a breath of fresh air stop thinking about the work you have to do for a moment. If you're a dog parent, try taking your pet on a walk or playing at the park to let go of stress. Even a half-hour away can help you reset mentally, so you're in a better headspace for creativity and focus when you get back.
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2. Keep the Words Flowing
Whether you're working on a draft of a blog or a school essay, if the ideas are flowing, just keep writing. Sometimes, stopping to ensure proper grammar or pick the perfect word can just bog you down, so worry about those things later and just keep typing until the piece you're working on feels done. This may feel strange at first, but going back to revise a draft and fix your sentences, add more detail where it's needed and take away anything that might not make sense is so much easier than creating a perfect draft on the first try.
3. Start in the Middle
Many of us get trapped trying to write the perfect introduction to something, when it can actually be better to start in the middle. Often, we already have a general idea of what we want to write about, so don't be afraid about using that as a jumping-off point. Once you have that paragraph ready, you may find that the rest of the piece is much easier to write—and depending on the structure of what you're writing, it may not even be possible to write an introduction until you know what the rest of the paper says, anyway.
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4. Seek Inspiration
Sometimes, getting motivated is just a matter of finding the right inspiration. Try looking to other writers that admire and get excited about their work in order to create something of your own. Other types of creativity, such as painting, music or sculpting can also inspire you as a writer. Take yourself out of your own work and go read someone else's. It's all about letting others inspire you.
5. Remember Writer's Block Is Temporary
Last but not least, do not give in to the myth of writer's block. Feeling unable to write isn't a permanent state of being. It is only a temporary setback, so don't think for a second that it will be impossible to finish your writing before it's due. Believe it or not, even the best authors experience periods of feeling writer's block—which should only convince you that it's possible to get through it and create the best work of your life.
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