5 Reasons Why Having a Summer Birthday Is the Worst

If you don't celebrate your birthday during the summer, I know what you're thinking about people like me: You're so lucky you have a summer birthday!

Sure, inflatable rafts, BBQs and bikinis sound marvelous, but in actuality, I'd really just like my birthday to be in October (well, any week except for Halloween week, that is). But okay, I get it, I can't complain because my date of birth does not fall on one sole month.

That said, having a birthday that falls between June and September can be fun and all, but the downsides surely outweigh the perks.

Trust me, if your bday falls between these months, you'll relate to the five struggles below:

1. Everyone's Unavailable

This is the most obvious reason for why summer birthdays are a total bummer. Everyone's on vacation, they have out-of-town guests visiting, they're at a music festival or they have another summer-related function to attend. Everyone is busy—too busy to help celebrate your special day.


(via Shutterstock)


2. It's Unbearably Hot

Regardless of how much fun your birthday celebrations are, they will be done in discomfort. Unless you're at a pool or waterpark with the option to be consistently soaked, prepare to melt. Those ice cold jugs of lemonade you prepared in the kitchen? Burning hot. That ice cream cake you couldn't wait to snag from Dairy Queen? Why even bother? Unless you're planning to serve pizza (which is an obvious choice for any party!), prepare for your bites to be warm, gross and picked over by flies. Yum, yum! Not to mention, it's your special day and you want to look your best—but consider that impossible with your makeup dripping everywhere and your hair looking like a tangled, frizzy mess! There's no point in even trying with the blowout. Waste.of.money.


(via Shutterstock)


3. The Pressure Is on to Throw the Best Party

Because summer is considered the most fun, carefree season, and people are looking and feeling their best, there's a lot of pressure to throw a stellar soiree. People are on vacation, and they want your big day to be an extension of that. Ugh.


(via Shutterstock)


4. You Feel Obligated to Throw a Pool Party

Going off of No. 2, if you don't have your birthday party in some body of water (pool is more ideal than beach, because beaches are just…. I can't with the beach), then why even bother having a party at all? It's so darn hot that you can't expect people to want to sit in your backyard for a BBQ sans pool. And even with the air-conditioning inside a house, who wants to be crammed indoors when they can be working on that killer tan and strutting around in a swimsuit after months of chilly weather? Plus, pool parties mean splashing around, napping on inflatable floats, flirting and having fun. But, like, what if you don't have a pool in your backyard? Oh, the stresses of trying to find someone to lend you their residence for a day.

a boy and girl smile and flirt in a pool or ocean over a floatie

(via Shutterstock)


5. It's Uncomfortable to Invite Some People You Haven't Seen Since the School Year Ended

Summer invites are always tricky. When you see certain people every day, even if you're not super close, inviting them to your birthday is a seamless process. But when you've likely been off their mind for a month or two, will they think it's weird if you invite them to your birthday party? But then if you don't invite them, will they be offended? There's just no win-win here when it comes to making that invite list.


(via Shutterstock)


Birthdays aren't the only bummer of summer. Click HERE for six things we can't stand about the sunniest season.