Summer With Cimorelli Episode 2 Hits the Web!

In Summer with Cimorelli episode 2, the Cimorelli sisters must create a plan to earn enough money to survive the summer, and start to put their scheme in motion!Summer With Cimorelli Episode 2

After the destruction caused by the girls' party in episode 1, the sisters pay their neighbor for damages to his car, leaving the six girls with only $6 to last for the rest of the summer!

They have to come up with a way to raise enough money to make it through the rest of the summer! Lisa has a fantasy about her crush, a Subway sandwich artist named Joey, paying her electric bill, but cooler heads prevail and the sisters realize they can make money by creating YouTube videos!

The girls head to the beach to make their first video, performing their beautiful new song "Everything You Have" with Amy on the acoustic guitar! The track is about never giving into pressure, and always staying true to yourself!

As they perform, Cimorelli draws in a big crowd. When the girls upload the video to YouTube, it draws even more attention, with nearly half a million views!

The video is a big success, but Amy's calculation reveals that to raise enough money, they'll need to post a viral hit every week until the end of summer!

Most bands couldn't pull it off, but if anyone could pull of this feat, it's Cimorelli! We absolutely can't wait until next week for episode 3!

Check out episode 1, plus our coverage of the Summer With Cimorelli red carpet premiere, here, and join our Cimfam community at!