Sycco Finds a New Kind of Peace With Her Found Family in Debut Album, Zorb

Sasha McLeod, better known by the musical moniker Sycco, is a 22-year-old First Nations Australian singer-songwriter and producer with an infectious psychedelic pop sound, and she's never been better than on her debut album, Zorb.

Zorb is out today, Aug. 23, featuring 13 unforgettable tracks, driven by bold beats and nostalgic synths as it captures the frenetic, sometimes unpredictable energy of being in your early 20s. For Sycco, this is a coming-of-age album detailing some of her milestone firsts, and culminating with discovering her place within her found family, feeling like a cozy, private sphere, which Sycco coined her "zorb." Sycco wrote and co-produced every song, and some were even co-written with her "zorb" housemates, becoming anthems of togetherness not only in substance, but also in spirit. We had the pleasure of speaking with Sycco to get her insights on all things Zorb, which she shared with us in the interview below.

Sweety High: What does the album title Zorb mean to you? Why did it feel like the perfect summation of this group of songs?

Sycco: "Zorb" is a term I came up with at a time where I was making new friends and felt so understood. Being in a zorb with people is to be present with them and the outside world doesn't necessarily matter. I think the album hones in on those experiences but also feel like it invites people into my zorb.

Sycco zorb promo in red jacket

(Photo credit: Summer King)


SH: What do you feel are the overarching themes of the album?

Sycco: Its definitely all about early 20s experiences. First love, first heartbreak, moving out of home and living with friends.


SH: What kind of feel do you hope fans take away from it?

Sycco: I hope they feel connected to their people and I also hope its a place to go to escape the world a bit.

Sycco Zorb promo image at coffee table

(Photo credit: Summer King)


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SH: How would you describe the album's sound? Production-wise, how did you go about bringing these tracks to life?

Sycco: I spent a year experimenting and trying to figure out my sort Sycco palette and finding some cohesive elements. I met Chrome Sparks and he produced the album with me. We really bonded over our similar taste. Lots of synths and lots of space echo is the perfect combo we found.


SH: How do you feel that these songs represent where you all are in life right now?

Sycco: They definitely feel a little bit like a bit of a time capsule. I feel like I was in the thick of first heartbreak. I find though I can relate to songs in different ways as time goes on. I'm at the point now where I really just want to share these songs with the world.

Sycco Zorb promo image in blue shirt in hallway

(Photo credit: Summer King)


SH: What's your favorite song on the album? Why?

Sycco: I think it is either "Meant To Be" or "What A Wonderful Surprise." "Meant To Be" is just so euphoric, but at the same time makes me feel super emotional. I just think it's powerful. "What A Wonderful Surprise" really feels like it holds every element of the album and it was such a journey making it, and I love when that stuff pays off.


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SH: Was there anything that surprised you about the process of recording and putting together your debut album?

Sycco: The thought of making an album was really daunting and sent me into many a spirals downward, but as soon as I started it all just clicked and felt kind of magical.


SH: How are you feeling about releasing it to the world?

Sycco: So excited. I feel really different to my old music and this album still feels super me right now, so super keen for people to know me now hahaha.

Sycco Zorb promo in purple eyeliner

(Photo credit: Summer King)


SH: Is there anything else we should know about Zorb?

Sycco: You should know that it rocks and you should listen to it on repeat.


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