Taylor Swift And TRON-Star Garrett Hedlund, Dating?

There's a new man in town for Country songtress Taylor Swift, and you can breathe a sigh of relief because it's not Jake Gyllenhaal (again!). According to the good folks over at Us Weekly, Taylor is now seeing TRON: Legacy star Garrett Hedlund.

The two were spotted out on the town in the singer's hometown of Nashville, Tennessee where Garrett is currently recording music. The source who leaked this juicy 411 says that their April 1st date was the couples first outing, and that they have been courting eachother through email. Here's what they had to say:

"It was their first time going out. They've been emailing for a while, and she hinted they should get together…She has actually spent time getting to know Garrett. He's cute—and he's into country music! [She] likes that he's a normal guy."

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