Behind The Scenes Of Radio Disney’s Teen Beach 2 Livestream

Did you miss Radio Disney's livestream of the Teen Beach 2 premiere? Never fear, because we've got all of the best behind-the-scenes moments from Alex, Candice and the whole TB2 cast right here!

Any day we run into Ross Lynch is the best day of our lives.

ross lynch at teen beach 2 livestream

Chrissie Fit and R5 are all about meeting the fans.

chrissie fit and r5 pose for photos with fans at teen beach 2 livestream

Garrett Clayton is all about the beachy vibe with his trusty towel.

garrett clayton colorful towel teen beach 2 livestream

Seeing Jordan Fisher on the carpet is like a reunion with an old friend.

jordan fisher reunion at teen beach 2 livestream

Grace Phipps talks about Lela becoming an empowered female in Teen Beach 2. You go, girl!

grace phipps talks about lela teen beach 2 livestream

Mollee Gray does the famous Giggles shake.

mollee gray giggles shake at teen beach 2 livestream

William Loftis shows off the perfect moves to "Gotta Be Me."

william loftis gotta be me dance

The hosts have to make sure to try not to reveal any Teen Beach 2 spoilers because Rocky hasn't seen it yet!

Share your Teen Beach 2 excitement in the comments and be sure to catch it tonight, June 26, on the Disney Channel at 8/7c! You can also check out our SweetBeatTV below, and even more movie news below.