5 Late Afternoon Activities to Do Now That Daylight Saving Time Is Here

Ah, finally. Daylight Saving Time has finally begun, which means the nights will come later and later. We all know what that means—we have more time in the day with sunlight to do all our favorite activities.

Having trouble on deciding how to spend your extra daytime hours? Continue reading to discover the best things to do in the late afternoon into early evening.

Read a Book

Thanks to our e-readers, we don't have to worry about getting the proper lighting. However, it's nearly impossible to read during nighttime when everyone else in your home is in bed. With the extend light hours, you have extra time to sit by the window and read with natural light. Make the most of it while you can because there is nothing quite like reading a physical book.

person reading in nature

(via Shutterstock)


Visit Your Local Park

The start of Daylight Saving also means one more thing: spring is almost here. Thankfully, we are almost done with the days of below-zero temperatures and sleek sidewalks. This also means we can spend more time in nature—perhaps, the park. Sit back and bask in its peaceful beauty. Even bring a journal, book or Nintendo Switch to pass the time.


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We've been doing workouts from the comfort of our home because it was too cold to leave the house. While we've graduated to going back to the gym, we still could take it to the next level. With extra sunlight, you have more time to go on an extended hike. Or, you can do something as simple as moving your yoga or Pilates routine to your backyard.

woman working out outside

(via Shutterstock)



Warm weather and lots of sunshine? It's pretty much the perfect recipe to sunbathe. Get your natural tan on by bathing for a while outside. We'll give you extra bonus points if you're lucky enough to have a pool or large deck to lounge on.

woman sunbathing by the pool

(via Shutterstock)


Late-Night Errands Run

During the winter months, we much prefer to run our errands in the morning. The wind chill at night is too much for us to want to stay outside. Plus, it's always a bit spookier to finish grocery shopping and getting gas when its pitch black outside. Now, we've got even more options for when to complete our to-do list.


With a new season comes new fashion trends. Click HERE to discover what to expect as we move into in spring.