5 Empowering and Unique Words of Affirmation for National Compliment Day

Today, Jan. 24, is National Compliment Day. While we have no problem praising our best friends, we often to forget to celebrate ourselves. After all, our self-talk greatly influences our overall moods.

This year, we plan to turn a new leaf and instead, treat ourselves like our own best friends. That begins with speaking to ourselves as a true bestie would. Below, discover some of the most thoughtful and creative words of affirmations to tell yourself on National Compliment Day and beyond.

'My words deserved to be heard.'

As women, especially, we often feel like we have to shrink ourselves. We don't want to take up space or be the center of attention because it could be met with backlash. Or, we're used to someone else establishing themselves as the most important person in the room.

Know that you have thoughts that can shape the world for better. You never know who is listening to you, and what you have to say might change their perspective on life.

woman with cape in the sun

(via Shutterstock)


'People feel secure when they are with me.'

If there is one thing most people never want to be, it's toxic. Treating others vindictively will only ostracize you, leaving you lonely. Although we don't encourage you seek external validation, there is a comfort in knowing that people feel happy around you. It goes to show how positive and comforting your energy truly is.


Also read about: 5 Affirmations to Become Your Most Fearless in 2025


'I am confident without making others feel inferior.'

Similar to the other one, there is a difference between feeling confident and being arrogant, ultimately making most people want to avoid you. This year, certainly exude confidence, but manifest the type of confidence where everyone wants to aspire to be like you because of your charm and kindness. Lead by example.


'I am a natural at everything that I do.'

We're making 2025 the year of trying new things—but no one talks about how frustrating it can be to pick up new hobbies. You might become easily discouraged or disappointed after not making the progress you want. So, just remind yourself that you can be a natural at everything. And the hard work will get you to the point where it feels second nature.

woman smiling in the sunlight

(via Shutterstock)


'I can make any situation into a good one.'

As much as we hope the next year won't be filled with trials and tribulations, we'd like to equip ourselves with the tools to be prepared if its not. With this mantra in mind, you will be able to see the bright side of every less-than-ideal situation. It also encourages you to express gratitude for the small things, which will make you feel more relaxed.


Are you a naturally messy person? Click HERE to discover six big ways you can become better at tidying up.