The Biggest Myth About Each Zodiac Sign

Whether you're a total "believer" in astrology or not, you probably know that each sign is associated not only with a symbol, but also with specific character traits—some good, and some, not so much.

Even actual astrologers will tell you that some of these negative stereotypes about the signs are nothing more than myths, and we're here to let you know about the biggest one about each sign.

Aries (March 21-April 19): They're Aggressive

Aries, represented by the ram, is a fire sign that also happens to be the first sign in the zodiac. While they can be quite energetic and bold, they get a bad reputation for another thing: their temper. Don't let this myth fool you though, as any Aries can be just as soft and even non-confrontational as anyone that falls under another sign. It's just that they are passionate, and some people take this as aggression.

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(via Unsplash)


Taurus (April 20-May 20): They're Lazy

Onto our first earth sign, Taurus. A fixed sign, Taurus is known for their appreciation for the finer things in life and a general love for comfort, which is probably why they also get labeled as "lazy." However, it's not that Tauruses are lazy—it's just that they know when it's worth it to push hard for something and when all that success will simply come to them. In fact, we think they don't get enough credit for being as hardworking as they are (sorry, Capricorns).


Also read about: The Crumbl Cookie Flavor That Suits You Best, Based on Your Zodiac Sign


Gemini (May 21-June 20): They're Fake

It's no wonder why this enigmatic sign is known for being a bit two-faced when you consider that they're literally represented by a pair of twins. Don't let this myth fool you, as Geminis can be some of the most loyal and loving friends or partners out there. Think of them more as adaptable than fake, and you certainly won't experience any "boring" moments with them either.


Cancer (June 21-July 22): They're Overly Emotional

Sweet, sweet Cancers are unfortunately tied to the misconception that they are weak and unable to control their emotions. But come on, they're literally represented by a hard-shelled creature (the crab)! Forget the myths and accept Cancers for their empathetic, understanding nature instead. Trust us, they're some of the best friends you'll ever have.

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(via Unsplash)


Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): They're Egotistical

Here's the thing: Leo is the only sign ruled by the sun—you know, the literal center of the solar system and the thing that all the other planets orbit around. Whether it's that association or the idea that these lions have a certain flare for drama or a natural ability to attract the limelight, the biggest myth about Leos is that they are selfish or self-centered. However, like the regal lions they are represented by, they are actually extremely loyal and ready to help those they care about shine just as bright as they do (okay, maybe almost as bright).


Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): They're Controlling

Virgo, who gets the symbol of the virgin, is one of the most caring and altruistic signs out there—kind of like the "mom friend" of the zodiac. However, perhaps quite like a real mom, they get a reputation for being perfectionists or all-around overly critical. If you actually know a Virgo, though, you'll know that this is nothing more than a myth and that this sign is actually one of the sweetest there is.


Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): They're Indecisive

Who would've thought that the sign represented by a scale (the symbol for justice) would be so wrongly associated with an inability to make a decision? Libras have plenty of great traits associated with them, including a sense of romance and an eye for aesthetics. With that, though, comes the idea that they get overwhelmed with all the wonderful options around them and struggle to choose. The reality is quite different, as Libras just take the time to weigh decisions to ensure a fair (and prosperous) result.

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(via Shutterstock)


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): They're Mysterious

Scorpio seems to be the overwhelmingly most-hated sign out there, but we'd have to argue that they're simply just misunderstood (maybe that's where they get the myth that they're so mysterious?). Ruled by Pluto and represented by a scorpion, it's not hard to imagine why Scorpio gets associated with some darker themes like lust and gets called cold regularly. However, this sign actually loves passionately and simply despises fakeness, making them great people to have around in your life.


Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): They're Afraid of Commitment

Sagittarius (represented by the proud and exciting centaur) loves to keep things interesting, which is why there's a good chance that the friend you know who always seems to be traveling might just be a Sag. With their love of hopping on flights comes the myth that they themselves are a bit flighty, as they get so caught up in chasing new experiences and exploring new horizons that they forget to settle down at all in the process. You can shatter that myth now though, as most Sagittarians would say that their love of exploring doesn't come at the cost of having a solid home base or committed relationships.


Also read about: What to Know About Dating a Fire Sign


Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): They're Boring

Known for their hardworking nature, Capricorns aren't bossy—they're the boss. Financially savvy and generally successful in all that they do, Capricorns often get associated with being boring simply for their dedication to important matters (especially when compared to Sagittarius, who gets the reputation for pretty much the opposite). Don't let that fool you, as this Earth sign knows how to let loose just like any other—they'll just be able to get everyone home responsibly afterward.

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(via Unsplash)


Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): They're Emotionless

As the rarest sign in the zodiac and the one with the most confusing name (it's an air sign that has "aqua" in it, after all), it's no wonder why Aquarius gets pinned as being mysterious and emotionless. While this may be the myth, the truth is that Aquarians are just deep thinkers who care about the inner workings of the world, so they often get lost in thought. Don't let this myth make you think less of them, as Aquarius is one of the smartest signs there is, whether they show it outwardly or not.


Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): They're Sensitive

And finally, the final sign in the zodiac. Pisces gets a bad reputation for being overly sensitive, much like their fellow water sign of Cancer. In truth, Pisces just feel emotions in a deeper way—as deep as the ocean, if you will (they are represented by fish). These gentle, caring creatures are incredibly dreamy and creative, so you can forget the myth and appreciate them for all that they bring to the table.


If you want to know how you can possibly try to get along with your least compatible sign, just click HERE for our advice on just that.