6 Things to Be Thankful for During Quarantine

Due to Coronavirus, most of us have been forced to stay indoors.

If you're anything like us, you're going a bit stir-crazy. But you know what? That's totally normal. We're all experiencing this for the first time together, and to be honest, none of us know what we're doing. In times like these, it's important to be grateful for what you do have.

Keep reading for six things to be thankful for during quarantine:


1. More Time Spent With Your Family

Even though they might get on your nerves from time to time, your family will always be of prime importance. In these days spent at home, just be present. You'll never have an opportunity like this again, so rebuild your relationship with your brood! Going through old photo albums and family videos is a definite must while in quarantine.

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2. You Can Wear Sweats All Day

On a lighter note, you get to wear sweats all hours of the day! From the minute you wake up to the second you go to bed, you get to live in your cozies. TBH, you've probably changed from your night pajamas to your day pajamas a time or two. No judgments!


3. Opportunity to Have Meaningful Conversations

Since you can't be around your friends for the time being, you've taken to FaceTime and Zoom calls. There are plenty opportunities to have meaningful conversations with your friends. With no other distractions to keep you occupied, you can focus all of your attention on your besties and get deep.


4. You're Saving Money

Chances are, before quarantine, you spent a bunch of your money on food. Nowadays, though, you're forced to cook at home, which means there's way more money in your pocket. Plus, you're not spending money on things like gas and your morning cup of joe.

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5. You Get to Sleep In

One of the best parts of quarantine has to be that you get to sleep in. Honestly, those extra few minutes spent catching some Zzzs truly make your days easier. Since you don't have to put on a full face of makeup and come up with a cute ensemble, you're able to enjoy some extra shut-eye.


6. You Have Your Health

By following the stay at home rule, you're maintaining your health. Not only that, but you're helping others, too. By not putting yourself in social situations, you're doing your part in stopping the spread of the virus.


Having a difficult time staying at home? Click HERE for our tips to staying sane during social distancing.