9 Big Things to Understand About Your Cancer Zodiac Crush

Cancers are one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac, so if you're crushing hard on one, chances are that you have some questions.

Born between June 21 and July 22, Cancers are known for being sensitive, moody and complicated while also being admired for their loyalty, intuition and drive. They're complex people, and knowing how they tick is half the battle in getting to know them better. Without further ado, here are nine big things you should understand about your Cancer crush.

They're Empaths

Cancer is a water sign, marked by emotional sensitivity, and being in touch with their emotions makes Cancers incredibly empathetic. Even though they can be quite guarded with their own emotions, they often sense what others are thinking and feeling without even trying. They're kind and tend to be great listeners—just the people you want around when you dearly need a listening ear.

Unsplash woman leaning on man's shoulder Kulli Kittus

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: An Emotional Empowerment Ritual for the New Moon in Cancer


Sometimes, It'll Feel Like They're Reading Your Mind

Cancers can be eerily intuitive, to the point that it'll sometimes feel like they're mind-readers. While they're not actually psychic, you can count on them to be able to read a room better than most and understand where you're coming from, even before you've expressed yourself. Of course, this doesn't mean you shouldn't speak up if something is bothering you, or you should make them guess how you're feeling. This just means communication with them is often simplified—unless you're not being honest about your own intentions.


They Can Expect Others to Be Mind-Readers, Too

Sometimes, because Cancers don't require the full picture to understand a situation, they'll feel like they can also expect others to know what's going on in their heads. This is rarely the case. They can struggle to express themselves, hoping those around them fill in the blanks, when more direct and literal communication is actually required for full understanding.


Also read about: The Best Gifts for Your Cancer Bestie


They're Self-Protective

We can't think of a more appropriate symbol for Cancers than the crab, because while their insides are soft and squishy, they protect them with a hard outer shell. Cancers are big dreamers with endless imagination and creativity, but you'll rarely see this side of the sign unless you're extremely close to them and they've decided to let you into their shells. You'll rarely know what a Cancer is truly thinking because they protect their lofty, unrealistic thoughts and will often share something they think is safer, instead.

Unsplash Person in yellow raincoat hiding behind sunflower Brennan Martinez

(via Unsplash)


They Bruise Easily

One of the main reasons Cancers go out of the way to protect themselves so thoroughly is because they're so sensitive. Being in tune with their emotions is both a benefit and a weakness, making them both kind and easily hurt. Sometimes, it can feel like you have to walk on eggshells around Cancer because even a hint of negativity can send them spiraling and make them want to withdraw from you. They're also moody, with their emotions easily swayed by the push and pull of life, which can also make them somewhat unpredictable. Loving them requires kindness, as well as patience.


Also read about: What You Should NEVER Do Around Your Cancer Crush


They're Caretakers by Nature

Few signs are quite as nurturing as Cancer, which is why they have a reputation for being the parental figure of every friend group—and are likely to someday become parents themselves. Their initial instinct in any situation is to take care of others and make sure they feel supported. This can actually be a double-edged sword. While many people appreciate a little help here and there, more independent souls can find the constant assistance somewhat overbearing.


They Value Loyalty

Cancers' caring, empathetic natures also make them loyal through and through. Both in friendships and relationships, they're looking for something lasting and real, and they commit themselves fully to those they care about. At the same time, they believe that loyalty is a two-way street, and if you break their trust, don't expect to earn it back anytime soon. They can hold grudges for years, so don't toy with their emotions. Pay them back the loyalty they deserve.

Unsplash People hugging on beach at sunset Tim Mossholder

(via Unsplash)


Also read about: 7 Flirty Texts to Send to Your Cancer Crush


They're Clingy

True loyalty is a rare thing these days, so when Cancers find someone they can love and trust, they'll sometimes clamp on with those crabby claws of theirs and refuse to let go. Once they find emotional safety somewhere, whether that's in a person or even in a place or activity, they'll stubbornly cling to them, even when it's no longer healthy. They can get attached to the past, even when it's time to let go and move on, or struggle to give their loved ones the space they require.


They're Driven

Unlike their fellow water sign Pisces, Cancers have big dreams and the drive to transform them into reality. Once they set their minds on a goal, they'll do anything with their power to get it, and no amount of roadblocks is going to stop them—including you. Before you commit to a Cancer, make sure that your goals are aligned with theirs, because if it ever becomes a competition between you and their dreams, their dreams are going to win out almost every time.


Want to make the most fo the Cancer zodiac season? Click HERE for a list of the things to add to your seasonal bucket list.