7 Things You’ll Relate to If You’re a Morning Person
As night owls ourselves, we've always been a little bit jealous of morning people (aka early birds or larks) for their ability to rise and shine, and take on the day without repeatedly wishing they could crawl back into bed.
If you're a morning person yourself, you probably already know that you're built different. The start of the day is your time, and your refusal to waste it sets you up for success in many ways. In fact, it can start to feel like the modern world was crafted specifically with people like you in mind. If that sounds familiar, keep scrolling for seven more things we think you'll relate to if you're a morning person.
You Like to Get a Good Head Start on the Day
We bet that one of the reasons you love waking up early is because it allows you to get a head start on the day. Maybe this means jumping right into your work, or it might look like quietly contemplating and planning ahead as you enjoy your favorite hot drink. Being up at the crack of dawn gives you time to exercise, meditate, eat a wholesome breakfast and do any other activities that get you into an intentional and productive headspace. You rarely feel rushed or pressured, and even though you're a hard worker, you can approach things with a more laidback and relaxed attitude. While people around you are scrambling, you can maintain your own steady pace thanks to your morning habits.
(via Unsplash)
You Love Daylight Saving Time
While many others are bleary-eyed and sluggish this week due to the "spring forward" time change, you're probably celebrating the arrival of Daylight Saving Time. You had little trouble adjusting to the change because mornings are your time, and you'd never complain about extra daylight. You're probably also finding it a little easier to be more alert and focused later into the evenings than usual (though that will likely fade as you adjust to the new time).
Also read about: 5 Late Afternoon Activities to Do Now That Daylight Saving Time Is Here
You Don't Get the Appeal of Sleeping In
Some people might hit their snooze buttons repeatedly or sleep until noon on the weekends, but that's never been your style. Getting that extra sleep would only make you feel lethargic, and you'd much rather begin your day than put it off and waste precious morning time. Even if you're still a little sleepy, getting up and taking a walk or making breakfast sounds way more appealing than staying in bed and letting the hours slip away from you.
You Do Well in a School Environment
Whether you're all grown up or still a student, we bet that you thrive in the highly structured environment of school. The early start time allows you to come in well-rested, alert and ready to soak up information, with the school day ending well before you run out of steam. You probably also get good grades, and you're neither a trouble-making class clown nor someone who's too shy to speak up in class and get any mandatory participation points.
(via Unsplash)
You Struggle With Anything Evening-Based
Most people probably see you as highly focused and ready to take on anything, especially when it comes to a typical 9 to 5, but your energy and enthusiasm wane in the evening, and you're just not built for late nights out. Evening parties are particularly draining, and while you're typically chatty and affable in social situations, you may find it difficult to engage with people and embed yourself in the conversation. If you've ever had to take evening classes, it probably took a lot of extra effort (and caffeine) to stay on top of things and perform like you're used to.
Also read about: The 7 Kinds of Rest Your Brain and Body Need (and How to Get Them)
You're Responsible
Early birds tend to be more responsible than their night owl cohorts, and most of it begins with the way you tackle your day. It's likely that you're very diligent and goal-oriented, and you act with purpose, whether you're working through your to-do list or making time to reflect and rest. You're not much of a procrastinator, because you don't see the point in putting of what you can do now, and you're also not distracted easily when you have a specific goal or purpose in mind.
You're Generally Optimistic and Kind
As a morning person, you start most days off on the right foot, which can set the tone for more happiness and positivity throughout your day. Instead of stumbling into work or school tired and cranky, you're energized and bright-eyed. Most people would say you're very friendly, and you have mostly good things to say about the people in your life as well. This optimism often spreads out into different parts of your life to breed success—that is, unless they want you to stay out late and hang out way past your bedtime.
(via Unsplash)
Need the perfect caption to showcase your great morning? Click HERE for some of our favorite suggestions.