8 Helpful Tidying Hacks for Anyone Who Hates Cleaning
If you've ever thoroughly tidied your space, only to have it look like a mess all over again in the span of 24 hours, you're certainly not alone.
Some of us are simply prone to being less organized, and that's okay! Our lifestyles, whether we're overwhelmed, overworked or both, tend to lead to clutter—but that doesn't mean we can't break free from those cycles. If you've been on the hunt for some great hacks to finally get your space into shape, look no further, because we've gathered our favorites for you here.
Utilize Bowls and Baskets Everywhere
If clutter tends to accumulate on your desk, coffee table or other spaces, cute bowls or baskets might be just the solution you're looking for. A space looks so much neater as soon as you collect all of the junk and put it into one neat, tidy place. Sure, you're creating a small mess, but you're also clearing out the overall space in the process. Having baskets also allows you to easily carry stuff that doesn't belong in that place, and bring it over to where it does.
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Keep a Scrubber Brush in the Shower
We don't know anyone who likes to set aside a whole weekend for the thankless task of cleaning out the shower, but this hack makes that process practically disappear. Just get one of those scrubber brushes with a handle that can be filled with dish soap and keep that on a hook in the shower. That way, any time you're showing and you see an area that needs a bit of cleansing, you can spend a couple of minutes targeting it until it gleams. This also gives us something to do during a deep conditioning sesh, and actually makes the process kind of fun, rather than tedious.
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Repurpose Old Jars as Small, Stylish Receptacles
Small glass jars make great storage receptacles for keeping medicine cabinets and bathroom drawers tidy, and the best thing is that you don't actually have to buy them. Recycle glass jars originally housing everything from pasta sauce, salsa, pickles and soup and run them through the dishwasher (or give them a good hand wash) for sustainable, beautiful and versatile storage. If you've been hoarding a candle jar you can't bear to throw away, you can also pour in boiling water to get the wax to melt and float to the top, then discard it before cleaning it for a stunning container.
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Don't Put Anything Where It Doesn't Go
This can be a hard one to follow, but one of the easiest ways to prevent clutter in your spaces is never to put anything down where it doesn't go. Don't leave your shoes in the doorway if they belong on a rack or in the closet, and don't set down items until you can place them in their rightful home. If you realize that you don't actually have a space for something, it probably doesn't belong in your house (and you shouldn't be acquiring more stuff that similarly can't be categorized). And most of all, clothes do not go on a chair—they should be hanging in the closet, folded in a drawer or tossed into the hamper if they're dirty.
Never Leave a Space Empty-Handed
We might be exaggerating with "never," but if you're headed to another space in the house and something occupying the room you're in belongs there, you should always be taking that thing with you. Anytime you get up, do a quick scan of the room for things like empty cans or cups that should go to the kitchen, or a jacket hanging on a chair that belongs in your closet. You might be surprised how quickly a space really starts looking tidier.
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Have a Donation Bin Ready
If your brain works anything like ours, your tidying will often dig up things you forgot you even owned, which no longer serve you. Rather than trying to find a place for it (which doesn't just interrupt your flow, but also further clutters your spaces that do work for you), have a donation bin at the ready to make the process 10 times easier. Not only do you rid yourself of extra, unneeded stuff, but whether you donate to a thrift store or a shelter that serves less privileged people, others might really benefit from your things.
Pick a Tidy-Up Theme
If you're not feeling motivated to clean up, try picking a tidy-up theme song and promising yourself to just work for as long as that one song plays. This means you only have to commit a few minutes to the process, so there's no pressure to get a lot done or move beyond a single place. Chances are that once you get going, you'll pick up some inertia and actually want to continue tidying beyond that first song. If that's the case, keep going with that playlist, or try putting on an interesting podcast to keep your brain engaged while you work. And even if you call it quits after that first song, two minutes of tidying is better than zero!
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Start Your Tidying Session Somewhere You'll Get Immediate Results
Going with the previous theme song method? We also recommend focusing your efforts somewhere where you're going to see results right off the bat. It can feel really good to work on something for just five minutes and see it completely changed, and sometimes, that can be all of the inspiration you need to tackle the bigger, tougher messes that really need you to get in there and get organized.
Specifically organizing a pantry? Click HERE for our top tips.