UNICEF Ball and Laura Marano!

Laura Marano wrote a brilliant article for a blog on The Huffington Post about her experience working with the charity UNICEF and attending the UNICEF Ball earlier this year!UNICEF Ball Laura Marano

"As a girl who was raised on the idea that we should give back to our community as much as possible, I believe that we have more power than we think when it comes to making change," Laura starts the article. "Working with UNICEF has solidified that belief."

Laura originally met with a representative from UNICEF in March and was asked to become the new Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF Ambassador.

"Naturally, I was ridiculously excited and said yes," she explained in the article.

Being the ambassador meant photo shoots, spreading the word on Twitter, and going to schools to surprise lucky student participants!

By donating spare change, millions of families helped in the campaign. According to Laura, just one dollar can provide clean water to a child for 40 days!

She describes UNICEF as "one of the most hardworking humanitarian organizations in the world."

Because of her involvement with the charity, she had the privilege to attend the UNICEF Ball on January 14th alongside big stars including Matt Damon, Michael Douglas and more.

The event raised more than $2 million for the organization!

"After the event was done, I found myself more inspired to help than before — something I definitely did not think was possible," she adds. "Overall, I feel so thankful that I am working with an organization that has such a wonderful resolve, and going to the UNICEF Ball just intensified my gratitude."

We absolutely love that she is involved to make such a difference! If you adore Laura as much as we do, also be sure to read her wise words against bullying in our exclusive interview here!

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