9 Ways to Use Lipstick That Don’t Involve Lips

It's no secret that we have a penchant for all things lipstick at the Sweety High HQ.

From metallic to glossy to glitter to purple, we're not newbies when it comes to thinking outside of the box. This is why we've rounded up nine unconventional ways to use lipstick in honor of National Lipstick Day. Use these tricks when you're on the go or have to spruce up and only have a lipstick in tow—and hey, you might even find a new technique that you use on the reg!


Sure, this one is typical, but it's often overlooked. Whether you've run out of your fave blush or you spot your crush at the movie theater and need a quick pick-me-up, use red, pink and even orange lipsticks to add a little flush to the apples of your cheeks.



Using lipstick as a quick shadow fix is a great hack, and an easy way to really up your eye makeup game depending on what lipstick color you have in your bag. If you have a taupe, mauve or brown on hand, dab it on your finger and work it into the crease, leaving your lid bare.

If you have a bright red or pink on hand, use it either on your bottom lash line for a high fashion look, or go full on Gigi Hadid with a crimson colored lid.


Glossy Lid

Have you been itching to try the glossy lid trend? The easiest way is with a lipstick you already own. We suggest trying a pink or lilac lipstick and applying it all over your lid. Then, top it off with gloss.


Hide Dark Under Eye Circles

Chances are you've seen some crazy concealer trends on YouTube and Instagram, including using orange, red and green concealers underneath your regular concealer. Believe it or not, these really do work because of how the color wheel works. Oranges and reds cancel out blues and blacks, which makes red and orange lipstick perfect for hiding those dark under eye circles! But, you also must have concealer with you as well or this won't work. Lightly dab on red or orange lipstick to your underage area, and then put your concealer on top. Voila!


As a Pen

Maybe not practical for everyday, but a lipstick makes a good pen in a pinch! We like to use it on our mirror to remind us of things we need to do or goals we want to achieve. And, it's easy to rub off with window or mirror cleaner!

Friday ????: @milanicosmetics lipstick in Matte Love #fridaylipstick

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To Flirt

Whether you want to plant a big smooch on your S.O., or want to send a sweet love note to your crush, use your lipstick to leave your flirty mark.

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Brow Wax

Who needs brow wax or gel when you have a brown lipstick? If you have a lipstick on hand that looks similar to your brow shade (it doesn't have to be exact) use it to feather up your brows. The waxy consistency of the lipstick is perfect for giving your brows a little texture.

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Highlight + Contour

Anything is possible, even highlighting and contouring with lipstick. This only works with neutral browns and nudes. Use brown shades to contour, and lighter shades to highlight! Are lipsticks really even that different than contour sticks?


For an Art Project

Have colors you want to throw out or need to refill? Instead of tossing them, use the remaining colors as part of an art project. Invite your friends over and have them bring all of their unwanted makeup and have a creative afternoon making makeup art. The results might surprise you.


Still on a lipstick kick? Check out THESE six new metallic summer shades from MAC makeup.