What Does the 🫠 Emoji Mean?

Whether you're expressing the effects of strong heat or strong emotions, one emoji can do all that for you: 🫠 .

What the 🫠 Melting Face Emoji Means in Texting

Also read about: What Does the 💆‍♀️💆‍♂️ Emoji Mean?


What 🫠 Means

But what exactly does the "melting face" emoji (a newer addition, introduced just last year) mean? Well, it could be a variety of things, depending on its context. It could mean that someone feels:

  • Embarrassed
  • Overwhelmed
  • Sad
  • Processing a situations
  • Anxious
  • Pain

In a more literal sense, it could also mean that someone feels like they are "melting" due to the heat.


We hope this guide can provide more clarity around your next important text. You can also learn more about the 🙃 emoji by clicking HERE.