7 Big Things to Understand About Your Libra Crush

Finding yourself crushing on a Libra lately? Chances are that they're kind, outgoing and endlessly charming, so we're not at all surprised that you're smitten.

Librans, born between Sep. 23 and Oct. 22, are known for being sociable and friendly to all, and as your brush bounces between their various friend groups, you may wonder precisely where you stand with them. If you're still trying to figure them out, here are a few big things you should know about your Libra crush, according to astrology.

They Put Harmony First

If there's one sign of the zodiac that emphasizes balance and harmony in the world, it's Libra. They're diplomats who are willing to do pretty much anything to avoid conflict and maintain a peaceful atmosphere among friends or loved ones, and that includes making themselves uncomfortable and giving up their own wants and needs. This can be both a blessing and a curse, and if you have feelings for a Libra, you should be careful not to take advantage of this aversion to difficult situations. The more you demonstrate your trustworthiness, the closer the two of you will grow.

Unsplash Friends Laughing and high-fiving Toa Heftiba

(via Unsplash)


They Love to Talk

As an air sign, Libras value strong communication more than most. They're also excellent at it, being both effective speakers and listeners, as they're well aware that communication goes both ways. When a Libra is interested in someone, they'll go out of their way to engage them in thoughtful conversations. They're very emotionally open, and while they won't say anything to stir the pot, they're also generally honest with their emotions as well as their thoughts.


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They're Social Butterflies

Tied to that need for Libras to communicate is their tendency to be social butterflies, just like fellow air signs Gemini and Aquarius. They're usually extroverts who recharge their batteries by spending time around others, sharing stories and celebrating life with the ones they care about. If you're the type of person who prefers to keep a loved one all to yourself, you probably won't get that with Libra, who maintains a vast social sphere and doesn't reduce it for anyone. Still, the more quality time you can spend together, the better.


They're Not Natural-Born Decision-Makers

You'd think that a Libra's conflict resolution skills would mean they're good at making decisions, but nothing could be further from the truth. Because they're always seeking the ideal outcome, they can spend an eternity weighing their choices, effectively preventing them from ever coming down on one side. They tend to take a "why not both?" attitude, not wanting to let anyone down, which is rarely actually possible. With Libra, patience is key, and if you're the more decisive type, you can be a big help by talking them through the process and aiding their decision-making.

Unsplash Man Thinking Thoughtfully Kazi Mizan

(via Unsplash)


They're Hopeless Romantics

Libra may very well be the most romantic of all of the zodiac signs, from spending their waking hours daydreaming about their future loves to being extra sweet when they're actually in a relationship. They tend to love all the mushy dating stuff, from pet names to little, thoughtful gifts and candlelit dinners, and if you're going to try to woo them, a big romantic gesture is likely to make an impression.


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They're All About Aesthetics

Libra is ruled by the planet Venus, which governs many things including love, beauty and art. This lends the sign its appreciation for all things beautiful. They're drawn to art and aesthetics, with a keen eye for their personal style as well as decorating their spaces, and in a partner, they look for someone who takes care of themself. They're also lovers of music, visual arts and culture.

Unsplash Woman admiring art in museum Klaudia Piaskowska

(via Unsplash)


They Thrive on Compliments

Few things make a Libra happier than being recognized for their kindness, cuteness and general goodness. The more complimentary and affectionate you are with them, the better, as words of affirmation are a major love language and help to show them how much you truly care. At the same time, they're also quite sensitive and don't always handle criticism well. If you do have to give them feedback, try to do so in a way that's both kind and constructive.


If you can't get enough of Libra, click HERE to discover the sign's best traits they everyone should emulate.