9 Big Things to Understand About Your Leo Crush

If you've recently found yourself drawn to a magnetic Leo zodiac sign, we can't blame you.

They have such presence, charisma and confidence that their pull is undeniable, and it's not unusual for all eyes to be on them. Few signs shine brighter than Leo, which is why when you're crushing on one, you'll also be competing a bit for their attention. If you're eager to find out what makes your Leo crush tick, just keep reading to uncover the most important things to understand about the sign.

They're Intensely Loyal

The loyalty of a Leo is unmatched—especially because it doesn't take any games or cracking through their shell to get there. Leo is a fixed sign, meaning they prefer stability and long-term friendships as well as relationships, and once you've won a Leo's heart, they'll be committed. Because they thrive when they receive admiration and affection, they'll stick around when they receive these things. They're also super protective of their close friends and family, and will demonstrate this loyalty by standing up for them when the time calls.

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(via Unsplash)


They Have Unmatched Confidence

No one believes in themself quite like a Leo, and that self-confidence is a bit infectious. Their self-assured nature will make you believe in them just as much, which is good, because they prefer to keep people around who will support them. A little admiration and a boost to the ego keeps them flying high, and in turn, they have little room in their lives for anyone who might doubt them or sets limitations on them.


Also read about: What Your Leo Decan Says About Your Personality


They Demand Attention

Leos are notorious for being attention-seekers, but they truly earn all of the adoration and love that's poured on them. Their egos are big, and they love being recognized and validated for their achievements. They're also proud of the way they look, putting a lot of effort into their appearances, and they look for partners who'll do the same. This is why you'll also often find them in leadership roles, as they're fearless decision-makers who make choices with both conviction and confidence. Their social circles are usually massive, as they're unafraid to be affectionate and open with others (and sometimes even create a little drama when they're bored). You might also find that there's some competition when it comes to their affections and the best way to prove your worth is to simply let your best self shine through. Also, don't try playing hard-to-get or being too cool with them, because if you're not clear with your feelings, they don't have the time to figure you out.


They'll Help Their Loved Ones Shine, Too

Don't think that just because Leos crave the spotlight doesn't mean they'll refuse to share it. As much as they love attention, they're also generous with their own, and they can't get enough of pampering those they care about. In relationships, they're exciting and passionate, and they'll make you feel like the center of their universe. However, if you're not too keen about extra attention, you may not be ready for all of the eyes that will be on you if you start dating.

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(via Unsplash)


They're Hopeless Romantics

Leo is well-known for being one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac, which makes sense for their larger-than-life personalities. They can't get enough of putting on grand displays of love, whether that's an elaborate promposal or serenades. They can also be quite chivalrous. If that's something you'd love, prepare to be wooed. If not, you may want to steer clear.


Also read about: These 20 Strong and Confident Taylor Swift Lyrics Are Perfect Insta Captions for Leo


They Don't Take Life Too Seriously

While Leos do take their relationships seriously, they tend to treat the rest of their lives like a big game. They're playful and fun-loving, with charming personalities that attract people and put them in a good mood. However, because appearances are important to them, they hate having their egos bruised. You'll never see them more serious than when someone is trying to tear them down, and they'll do everything they can to nip that in the bud.


They Don't Like Wasting Time

And just because Leos are playful doesn't mean they like to waste time. They communicate in an honest and straightforward manner because they're too busy to mess around and not know what someone's really thinking. This is also key in their relationships. When they're ready to start something new, they're not afraid to express their feelings openly. If they tell you that they want a relationship with you, be ready with an answer, because it's likely they won't wait around for you too long to figure your stuff out.


They Aim to Win

Leos are determined and ambitious fire signs who set their goals high and always aim to come out on top. Even though they set the bar super high for themselves, they almost always accomplish what they set out to do, and their drive can be a bit intimidating. They also set equally high expectations for their partners and don't appreciate laziness or a lack of motivation. They're also not known to compromise, which can be both a strength and a weakness of theirs.


Also read about: What to Know About Dating a Leo


They Need Their Independence

And lastly, just because Leos are loyal and romantic doesn't mean they don't also need space, from time to time. They can be fiercely independent, both when it comes to their own beliefs and ideas, and in terms of the time they carve out for themselves. They'll often put their own needs and desires before everything else, and understanding where they're coming from, and what they need, is a careful game of balance.

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(via Unsplash)


Curious about what Leos need for a successful relationship? Discover all of the details HERE.