Which YA Heroines Would Make The Ultimate Ghostbuster Team?
With next year's Ghostbusters reboot featuring an all-female cast, we've been thinking about our own dream team of Ghostbusters. Here's a list of the YA heroines we'd love to see strapping on their proton packs and hitting the streets to bust ghosts!
Lex Bartleby
This hot-headed reaper from the Croak series has plenty of experience dealing with the dead. While her personality might cause her to butt heads with the other girls, Lex's get-it-done attitude will bring this Ghostbusting team to action. Her courage comes with a bit of sass, but Lex won't turn away when things get hairy (or covered in ectoplasm.)
Carmel Jones
Although Carmel is new to the ghost-hunting scene, she demonstrates brains and courage well beyond her years in Anna Dressed in Blood. After Carmel gets dragged into a scheme to hunt a terrifying and violent spirit, she swallows her fear and sticks by her new friends as they unravel the mystery. And Carmel is an expert at unraveling mysteries. No Ghostbusting team would be complete without a genius, and Carmel is just the right girl for the job.
Saturday Woodcutter
Saturday comes from a magical family in the Woodcutter Sisters series. Although her sword-wielding skills would be of little help against a ghost, Saturday would bring strength and coordination to the group. As a gifted fighter, and one who has seen her fair share of battle, Saturday would be the first to kick down a door and blast those pesky ghosts with her particle beam. Anyone who tries to stop her is begging for trouble.
A necromancer in the Abhorsen novels, Sabriel would bring something no other Ghostbusting team has had before: magic. Sabriel has spent a great deal of her life crossing the line between the living and the dead, and no little ghost is going to scare this girl and keep her from doing what she has to do. She might need a bit of time to adjust to the modern world, but no one adapts, or puts the dead back where they belong, like she does.
Which literary characters ain't afraid of no ghost? Share your own picks with us in the comments below and join our book club community at SweetyHigh.com.