If You’re Over Being Single, Zayn’s New Tune Is a Reminder You’ve ‘Still Got Time’ to Find Love

While being single is great, it can get pretty discouraging at times.

Especially when everyone is out there finding love with such ease and you're sitting at home watching Netflix by yourself.

Zayn's new track with Partynextdoor is here to remind you that you've got all the time in the world to find the perfect S.O., so stop panicking!

This bop from Zayn isn't the only New Music Friday release we're jamming out to though. Scroll below to listen to five other tunes that are making our Friday that much brighter.

1. "Still Got Time" by Zayn feat. Partynextdoor

After what seems like forever, Zayn has finally released new music and we could not be happier. This song is definitely for all of you who are stressed about being single. Take it from Zayn, you've still got time.


2. "Lifeline" by Jule Vera

There are songs that make you laugh, others that make you cry and then there are a few that inspire you to do something with your life. Jule Vera's "Lifeline" is one of those motivational tunes. If you're feeling lost or unsure, this bop from the pop rock group will remind you everything is going to be A-OK.


3. "Friend Zone" by Tyler Sellers

Being stuck in the friend zone is a bleak and dismal experience. When you feel as though all hope is lost, blast pop artist Tyler Sellers' tune "Friend Zone" as a reminder it is possible to get out.


4. "Why'd You Make Me Cry" by Odina

After listening to folk singer Odina's sorrowful new tune, our only question is why'd you make us cry?! The emotion in both Odina's lyrics and vocals are purifying, yet heartbreaking. A must-listen, for sure. But grab a box of tissues before you do.


5. "Graveyard" by RaeLynn

Our girl RaeLynn dropped one of the best country albums we're heard in a long time. Equal parts sassy and sentimental, every song will leave you feeling some type of way. Our personal fave is "Graveyard," so give it a listen below.


6. "Last Young Renegade" by All Time Low

To carry you through the weekend, we're ending the playlist with this upbeat and optimistic tune from rockers All Time Low. With the release of this song, we're more excited than ever for their new album to drop on June 2. We've got high hopes, boys!


If you follow the playlist below, you'll be able to listen to these sick tunes wherever you go:


Did you catch our New Music Friday last week? It was full of some pretty solid tunes. If you missed out, head over HERE to give it a listen.